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Tie Monday

The act of having to beat off the ladies due to excessive good looks.

"Yo, I'm bout to go Tie Monday on these ladies!"

by jdark November 7, 2011

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Meatless Monday

Meatless Monday was revived in 2003 by former ad man turned health advocate Sid Lerner, who saw the prevalence of preventable illnesses associated with excessive meat consumption and decided to introduce Meatless Monday as a public health awareness campaign. The initiative was backed by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for a Livable Future and endorsed by 30 schools of public health.

Meatless Monday has since turned into a global movement with a wide network of participating hospitals, schools, worksites and restaurants around the globe. The simplicity of Meatless Monday’s message has allowed the campaign to once again become part of the American lexicon.

Monday is the call to action built in to every calendar each week. And if this Monday passes you by, next week is another chance to go meatless!

Woman: Let's do Meatless Monday.

Man: Nah I love meat too much

by mkpunk516 August 29, 2011

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manic monday

An unemployed workers first day back at a different position, with less pay.

Man if i would have known i wouldn't even get my own cubical, i would have slept in on Manic Monday and continued to collect unemployment checks.

by oscarl January 14, 2009

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funday monday

n,v- Primarily used as an extention of the weekend. In rare circumstances, can also be used to start or continue a week long binger. Among regulars, it is often referred to simply as funday.

We're gunna have a funday monday tonight at Mark's house.

I got shit due tomorrow. Wanna funday it?

by T Eure October 16, 2006

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Monday Neck

When somebody had a ‘fun weekend’ and hickies are found all over their neck that Monday.

Damn Justin must’ve had quite the weekend. He walked in with Monday neck today!

by Querty345 December 21, 2018

Monday Mizzies

Being miserable on a Monday. Like the "Sunday Scaries," but for Monday mornings.

"I had such a fun weekend, I don't want to be going to work right now. I have a case of the Monday Mizzies."

by LMM121 June 26, 2017

no man monday

Whenever posted on a guys story “no man Monday” every taken girl that sees his story is single until Tuesday.

What’s no man Monday?” “It’s a day of the week where guys can make girls single.

by Wakmasterflex April 14, 2019