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Oak tree

Oak tree means some one who always puts others first and who will do whatever is necessary to make others happy

She is such an oak tree

by Meow//98 May 18, 2016

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Slang term, for Oak Harbor washington.

Hey dawg, where you at? iam in mt vernon heading to Oak-Town.

by Will Witmer March 12, 2006

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Grand Oaks HighSchool

Grand Oaks HighSchool is as school where the only people who say it’s fake are the fake people in crowd, I can speak on behalf of the entire class of 2021 we are just one huge friends group everyone knows everyone and the only people excluded from the club are the fakes who are easily spotted because they went back or plan on going back to Oak Ridge.

Person: Hey what school do you go to?
Me: Grand Oaks HighSchool

Person: Oh I bet it must suck there huh.
Me: Aye we do our best🀷🏽 ♂️

by Berry.Mac March 15, 2019

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Oak Park, IL

The most hipster and pretentious suburb ever. Actually, it shouldn't be called a suburb because no one has a car and every thing is reachable by bike or train or bus (or walking). Oak Park has a reputation as being super liberal and full of hipsters who had kids and moved out of Bucktown. The only grocery stores are whole foods and trader joe's, but most people go to the farmer's market anyway. The public schools are great, but they are infamous for breeding hippie kids who look down on kids from real suburbs as being "uncultured." Oak Park is also the Chicago version of Park Slope.

"I tried going to Oak Park, IL, but was kicked out because of my distaste for kale, lack of culture, and Mitt Romney bumper sticker."
"Good! We can't have close minded conservatives corrupting our children. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a peace vigil to go to."

by whatsupUD June 26, 2015

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Oak Trees For Life

A statement made by a person who will die to protect the destruction of any single oak tree.

Hell no, we won't go!!!! OAK TREES FOR LIFE!!!!

by nonameslefttouse October 14, 2008

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Hudson Oaks, Texas

Set between Aledo and Weatherford. Definitely the better choice between the two, its where the wanna be Aledo's live but they don't want the label associated with Weatherford so they made a make shift city that follows weatherford and weatherford ISD but don't call it Weatherford. It ain't too bad as far as wanna be's go. Full of used Luxury cars, and dealerships that own the town.

Well I technically live in Hudson Oaks, Texas its just outside of Aledo.

by lolhahahmmmmm August 30, 2019

Oak-y Goodness

Oak is such a great wood, it is full of goodness

That furniture is full of Oak-y goodness

by The woodmaster March 25, 2021