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Deez nuts


Man, deez nuts are so small.

by October 11, 2022

Deez nuts

They like em big they like em chunky .

Suck deez nuts

by MotoMotoDeezNutsBOI June 22, 2020

Deez Nuts

One of the most versatile jokes in meme history. It can be incorporated into any sentence and either make everyone laugh, or want to kill you.

Person 1: Something came in the mail today.

Person 2: What?

Person 1: Some birthday cards along with a check!

Person 2: That's pretty cool!

Person 1: Y'know what was in one of the cards?

Person 2: What?


Person 2: kill yourself

by xXCanadaCowXx January 26, 2023

Deez Nuts

Not Dem Nuts, nor Doze, but Deez.

DM me @this_name_though. we can talk about Deez Nuts

by this_name_though June 12, 2017

Deez Nuts

a type of nut, but you use for a comeback or roast.

Hey! What should I cook for my mom tonight?
Deez Nuts.

by waebynn January 24, 2022

Deez Nuts

Ha! Gadeem!

Guy 1: I got a package today.

Guy 2: What was it?
Guy 1: Deez Nuts!

by FireFlame Official March 30, 2019

Deez nuts

Deez nuts is a joke made lots of people on tik tok and if you get a text saying :

And so on, your getting a deez nuts or balls joke

On kahoot: Candice joins
Teacher: "who's Candice?"
All the students: "can deez nuts fit on your mouth"

by ImnotCandice June 18, 2021