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Peep and the Big Wide World


pedophile: I love Peep and the Big Wide World, it's so relatable!

by ImNotAPedophileISwear May 9, 2022

first world flex

Also known as “rich people problems”, a “first world flex” is essentially a first world problem, but one that’s simultaneously boastful as well as whiny and arrogant.

“Yesterday Phil was complaining about how he didn’t know which camera he should look into on his new iPhone 11. I fucking hate him and his first world flexes.”

by face of mars November 18, 2019

First-World Christianity

When the majority of even lower-middle class believers in developed countries selfishly focus on their perceived lack and discontent, who already live in abundance and comfort, compared to their brothers and sisters who are struggling to put food on the table or feed their families.

Be it on rising costs of living, influx of immigrants, or access to abortion and fertility clinics, what percentage of the faithful in America are often guilty of practicing a form of faux or first-world Christianity?

by Numerati July 31, 2024

Disco world

A new term for old New York City

Let’s go to disco world

by Oof186 March 29, 2018

Wheenie World

Wheenie World is a discord server created by the Youtuber Wheen (formally Mr. Wheenie) and is somewhat a paradox. You see, the server advocates racism, homophobia, and sexism. Yet, many of the server members are part of the LGBTQ+ community. This server is a hot spot of non-mediocre chats. Zoophile and pedophile hate is one of the common themes in the server, as it aims to harass, bully, and defecate on degenerates. It is not smart for people of the female gender to join the server, as the Mods and server owners are known to ban them immediately without hesitation. The server is fully boosted and has gotten a custom link (discord.gg/wheen) which allows users to join without having to manually find a link from a friend.

Woman/Furry/Lesbian: I just joined Wheenie World and was told to kill myself. THEN THE OWNER BANNED ME!!
Sane Person: That's Wheenie World for you

by Big Swole♥ December 16, 2021

World's Shittest Bar

Awal Avenue, Juffair in Bahrain is the location of The World's Shittest Bar. It is visited on the annual Bahrain Cultural Trip where pilgrims must drink at least one pint before staggering out into the searing heat of Bahrain.
Nobody knows the name of the bar - or remembers exactly how to get there. But it is very real - and very shit.

Archie - "Fancy a pint in the World's Shittest Bar, Billy?"
Billy - "No. Let's go."

by MaccieG August 21, 2023

best senior engineer in the world

the text on your dad's mug if your dad has a boring profession

My dad is the best senior engineer in the world! so that's why my dad is boring.

by martcraft June 6, 2018