Your Grandma that uses social media slurs or popular slang absolutely wrong.
Lisa was the number one baby name in the 60s you all have a Grandma Lisa.
She embarrasses you infront of your friends using "Karen" totally wrong or worse uses it at Walmart !
Facebook Lisa says "Ok Karen" to the African American woman asking for the manager because someone screwed up her order.
1. having given up on finding anything interesting on Facebook, Facebook Idling involves sitting in front of the Facebook Newsfeed, just waiting for another update that you know won't be any more interesting than the last
2. as opposed to Facebook Stalking, a much more far-reaching and comprehensive way of wasting your entire life
Person A: "You must be Facebook Stalking hard right now man; you're not even clicking the mouse!"
Person B: "Actually, I'm Facebook Idling. I need to know what all my acquaintances are doing rather than just investigating one."
Person A: "Dude, are you Facebook Stalking that girl again?"
Person B: "Nah, I've got enough info on her. Now I'm just Facebook Idling, waiting for her to post something."
The group where Karens go to complain about the 5% off sale being yesterday and Joe not mowing his lawn on time. This group has one of the lowest IQs and are an annoyance to retail workers around the globe.
Karen: why is this stupid 5% off sale not here today?
Employee: The sale ended yesterday. Go back to your Facebook mom group and complain about how our store sucks and doesn’t have a specific brand of oatmeal, we don’t care about your opinion.
A person who constantly posts music videos on facebook for the sole reason of having the feeling of being a real life DJ. They get a sense of pride from all of the "Likes" and comments they receive, which further fuels their delusion of being a DJ.
Dude, look at all these great songs I posted on my page!
Give it a rest, Facebook DJ
Social networking prophets / happy people who blab constantly about life's pleasantries, reasons for gratitude, motivational garbage and intelligent sounding sentiments of chirpiness.
Facebook Yanni is at it again with her filtered photo of baby birds hatching, telling me to "move forward" and "let it go" because "we should be grateful" that we are "blessed". Bite me, Facebook Yanni. I know you're as miserable as the rest of us are.
A lame-o that relies on facebook memes and culture as a comedy source.
Yo dude, did you see h3h3's new video on more facebook foolies?
it's a woman who is on social media. She only talks to guys and flirts with them to con them out of money! It's usually the older retirement they prey upon.
1st guy: Dude look at this chic I met on fb! She's amazing! Almost to good to be true.
2nd guy: Dude I know her she is a f Facebook sugarbaby! Don't give her your money! that's all she wants!
1st guy: Dammit! I already sent her $100!