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A bastard and a cowardly male who's only purpose in life is to gain sexual gratification no matter how many girl's hearts they break in the process. This hormone-driven species is very common on dating apps and also in the wild. They surf the internet to find naive or gulliable women to jerk off to by pretending to be nice and kind. Once they get the sexual relations by tearing down the woman's natural defenses through manipulation, they throw her to the wolves and immediately jump in bed with someone else in a never-ending cycle of fuckery while often leaving their victims heart-broken and ashamed.

The fuckboy is ultimately a product of male privilege and lack of parenting, responsibility holding, and is just a self-centered asshole all around. This species will also brag to other men and fuckboys intimate details of what he did with x girl that day, disrespecting her in the process. The fuckboy never actually wants to pay for prostitution services, but usually goes through meeting girls or relationships with normal females to get the sexual experience for free. Not only is he an ass but he's also cheap too.

Signs of a fuckboy:
-Asking for nudes
-Gets turned off the moment a type of commitment is mentioned
-Is usually against marriage
-Is always open for 'fun' with other people
-Acts nice or flirts to get what he wants

Fuckboys are shitheads that deserve AIDS
Girls you better watch out, some guys, some guys are only about, that thing

by CyborgQueen May 5, 2022


1. A male human-being that acts like a "douche", has 6-pack abs, and never wears a shirt
2. A male human that likes to have sex

Jacob from the Twilight movies is a fuckboy

by Narfmonsterr January 7, 2017



1. An empty shell of a man who uses women for sex. He has no real identity so he just mirrors his prey’s personality in order to get her to fall for him. A smooth talker, most of what he says will seem too good to be true as if he is reciting from a script. He will ask lots of questions as if he’s interested in her personality but he is just trying to learn her insecurities and needs. He will pretend to be the solution to her problems in order to gain her trust and lure her in. Once he gets what he wants, he discards her.

2. Always broke despite having a job and having no big financial obligations.
3. Extremely concerned with appearances. He looks nice, drives a nice car, but his place looks like a 1 star motel room.

4. Has a reputation for being a fuckboy. If confronted about this, he will spend hours denying he is a fuckboy so that he can fuck you and then ghost you.

5. Behaves like a narcissistic sociopath but then will tell you that you’re a crazy stalker when you are heartbroken and desperate to talk to him.
6. Lasts 2 minutes in bed and uses the excuse “I just haven’t had sex in sooo long!” Nah sis he just wanted to get it in and get it done.

7. Calls women “females” as a subtle way of dehumanizing them.

Prey: “Girl do you know that quiet loner guy Santos? He seems so nice.”
Former Prey: “Girl RUN. He’s a straight up fuckboy. He even tried to get with me but I got a whole ass list of women he’s wronged.”

by Himynameis_hell August 24, 2022


A little bitch who lies to you and says he loves u, when he dosent. And is afraid to love because he is a pussy ass bitch

Luis a big fucking fuckboy and he like to break girls hearts

by Exposed. Fuckboy April 26, 2017


Braden Ashmore

Braden:hey I like you I want to date you
Girl: I like you too like I'm down
Braden:ok awesome once you suck my dick we can just be friends because I'm a fuckboy

by Fuckboiiii420 November 14, 2016


A boy who is very sexually active during their very short-lived relationships. They also enjoy dressing like they have no other clothes that what they wear one day. They bite their lips and put up their hair in man-buns and look like retards.

"Look at that fuckboy over there. He looks like a fucking idiot."

by Can_U_Fuckn_Not March 27, 2019


A prison term that refers strictly to a homosexual who's ass is used for fucking. Hence the very self-descriptive term, 'fuckboy'.

That fuckboy has aids. He has been run up in by all the brothas on the compound.

by Dointimepro November 30, 2017