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Mellor Up

The act of scratching one's intimate areas ...be they the snatch, gootch, balls or arse crack and smelling the aforementioned fingers in order to see if washing is required. This can escalate,if it is a good vintage, to wafting said fingers in front of someone else's nose whilst shouting 'mellor up'

Hey Janet ....'mellor up'......

by Pies1957 November 3, 2020


1. To do one's job
2. To take care of business
3. Intercangeable with "man up" or "grow up"

Yo James, I really need you to pro-up and stop complaining.

by VonHerwig June 10, 2008

willed up

The act of taking a penis and rubbing it all over someone.

Bro I willed up Debbie last night all over the face

by Floundyboy November 20, 2017

rark it up

A New Zealand term describing the addition of zest or interest to a social encounter.

Thomas likes to rark it up, ay!

by Andrew Symons February 23, 2004

Messed up

A bad thing, or an unusual thing. Also a really strange thing that’s not necessary.

“Kevin, can you please move your seat towards the very back?,” said Ms. Smith

“Yeah sure, can I sit in the front though since no one sits there and I can see the board better?,” said Kevin.

“No, I’d like you to sit in the back because that way you won’t be near your friends,” said Ms. Smith.

But why would I sit in the back when I can’t see in the back anyways? Bro that’s just messed up,” said Kevin again.

by Trinity:) October 30, 2019

21👍 1👎

Bottle it up

The conscious act of bottling up your feelings to avoid showing any sign of weakness.

Bro 1 "I have been feeling pretty sad since Jessica broke up with me bro"

Bro 2 "BOTTLE IT UP BRO, I don't want to see that shit"

by Bob Hoozenhowzer April 16, 2011

45👍 2👎

Up Good

The opposite of Down Bad, where someone who is Up Good can either be a) not depressingly horny, b) depressingly wholesome, or c) very much anti horny.

Paul: Damn, look at her. Her ass is fat.
Tom: Dude, you’re down bad.
Sam: Tom, you’re so up good.

by JoseTheSpaceCrab December 2, 2020

75👍 4👎