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the state of one individual being proclaimed "IT" because they tapped on the sun and it glowed.


- The term 'Glowing' has historically been in reference to an individual being drunk and their face becoming red.

EX. "Asian Glow"

- "You're Glowing" the phrase is a compliment shared by many young woman when a friend is looking extra cute on

a day or displaying an inner light because of recent events.

"HAHA Jeremy 'YOU'RE GLOWING'!!! Guess you have to roll the dice!"

by SILLYBILLY3000 April 24, 2023

glow hole

When someone hooops a glow stick

As soon as Cory hoooped the glow stick everyone could see the light shining from his glow hole.

by Beverly Allender June 10, 2023

glow boats

Opposite of "blow goats." A state of bliss. Often used in conjunction with a reference to the classic television show Scooby-Doo. Synonymous with dope, fresh, fly, phat, chillwave and bro-core.

"That party on Friday is going glow boats."

"Say what you will about Tony Danza, dude glowed some serious boats on Who's the Boss."

by gfunkyauplikewut September 21, 2010

beep glow

The way your face looks after you have sexual intercourse with another being. For guys mainly fast growing facial hair and for girls a shiny glowing skin!

Oh! Maggie you have beep glow! Oh… I know what you did

by user76543210 January 8, 2022

White boy glow

When your white friend glows in pictures with the slightest of flash

Person 1: “You have white boy glow.”
Person 2: “What the hell? No I don’t.”
Person 1: “You literally look like an angel descending from the heavens

by shfskfhskfhs August 30, 2023

The Glamorous Glow-stick

When 4 people go into the woods and find a long, sturdy stick in the woods. They coat the stick in honey mustard and melted ice cream, and run around poking homeless people with it. The practice is often considered to be done with high honor, and it puts the people who do it into a club, known as the “Glamorous Gathering”.

Hey can you drive me home after school? I found a homeless shelter that we could totally hit with The Glamorous Glow-stick.

by George Floyd Fan February 18, 2021

glow me

Having someone blow smoke up your ass.

look at him coming over here to glow me.

She tried to glow me last night, but I didn't fall for it!

by NFT_LCC November 17, 2022