Has no fucken meaning and was said by an idiot in a discord server
douch is know as a jerk or someone who wants things done their own way
Man he's such a douch, he cant just tell people how to do things his way .
1.Donald Trump
3.A person that is considered foolish or stupid.
donald trump is a racist douche and likes minions
1: the sound you hear when you drop a turd into a porta potty.
2: what you get when the the turd hits the blue porta potty water and the resulting splash hits your asshole.
I dropped a turd in the porta potty and it sounded like "BLUE DOUCHE!!!" Then I literally got a blue douche.
An individual of questionable morality who has taken the art of douche-baggery to new heights; heights so high it is almost unfathomable.
Person A: Hey, how was that new photographer?
Person B: He ate nachos and hit on our co-workers. He was a total Douche-McGouche
A condition brought on by overexposure to one or a series of douche chills.
"I watched an all day marathon of the Facts of Life and got so many douche chills, I think I now have douche hypothermia!"
a douche kanizzle is a person or thing doing something over and beyond stupid. a douche kanizzle is worse than a douche bag
did you see the douche kanizzle at lowes today loading 2 tons of block into his s-10