The act of placing a layer of cling-film over your anus and expelling gas to create the effect of a kazoo.
My German friend plays a mean bum kazoo!
A large animals use of their rear end to push a person out of the way.
Also is a technique used by dogs during play
My pony just bum swiped me when not wanting to get his rug on
It'd be like the guy that offers to come play guitar at your house if you smoke him out. Makes posts every day about sober living and staying strong even though you know he's doing none of that.
I sealed today's date in this envelope two weeks ago and sure enough, Andy called out 'sick'. At least be up front about it and don't fuck other people over with your fuckin bum assery.
Tunkle bum is the action of looking at a Volkswagen Beatle whilst crying over the movie up
John commited a tunkle bum after exiting the theater
We are farmer's bum bum bum bum bum bum bum is a meme ig
A BBF (noun) also known as a Bare-Bum-Fart is a farting position where one lowers their trousers and underwear, then parts their bum cheeks and breaks winds allowing the gas to seep into the surrounding area free from filtration of the layers of clothing that may cover the bumhole region.
1. Anna BBFed before her first date with Tom so that her underwear didn’t have brown stains on.
2. ‘Oops’ said Tom as he lowered his pants, ‘I must of forgotten to BBF (Bare Bum Fart) at some point today. My pants are brown, Mummy isn’t going to be happy.’