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St. John's University

A school that will accept anyone who is willing to pay the high tuition and or is fortunate enough to pay out of pocket without one of their generous scholarships that 90% of the student body is on. A school, which tries to act like a University but, in the end, they really are an average college in Queens pumped up on steroids. At the most random places throughout the campus, there will be Indians bowing down on the floor as if they are visually seeing Christ’s body. People on campus think it is normal to be have a Redneck, African American, Asian, and Indian sit at a lunch table together and be friends. Coming to class slightly sweaty in a t-shirt and workout pants is considered classy. The only place in all of NYC were wearing all red does not signify that you are part of the Bloods. Completely possible to not show up to class in a 50-person classroom and just come in on the last day of class to take the final and end up passing the course when class participations consist of 25% of the overall grade. Every student thinks they must be part of an organization that is related to their major or they will never land a job after graduation. Students are amazed at how spectacular the DAC is, when in reality, it is a giant building that is 2 years old, with white slate floors that have already turned completely black due to the cleaning service only cleaning once per week.

"Where do you go to school Jonny?" "St. John's University!" "That sucks, try not to get blown up, they got terrorists over there!"

by SJU class of 2012 January 3, 2012

217πŸ‘ 222πŸ‘Ž

John Wayne Gacy

Loved children more than he should have.

John Wayne Gacy dressed up as a clown to entertain children and something else...

by Gohn Jayne Wacy April 14, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

John Williams

Somwhat talented, somewhat monotonous and dull composer. Famous for making music for movies that uses alot of horns and all sounds the same.

Man I can't get this tune out of my head...I think it's from a movie that John Williams composed for, but all his songs sound the same... is it Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park 2? Jurassic Park 3? Jaws, Minority Report? Star Wars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6? Schindlers List? Saving Private Ryan? E.T? Catch Me If You Can? who knows!?!?!

by Eric Blair March 27, 2005

13πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž

Fort St. John

a city in Northern BC where the ratio of men to women inexplicably dropped to 3:4. The sudden influx of women is predominantly hookers. Resulting wages at Tim Horton's are now $13/hr. Most people need to move away, but can't afford to because the rents have skyrocketed over double what they were in 2009. Many people are fighting excessive inflation by importing parents to live in their basements (rent controlled of course). This city is shaping up to become a retirement community for soon to be defunct oil workers once the site C dam has been completed.

Man 1: Do you need any more boxes for your move to Fort St. John?

Man 2: No, I am packing light! I can't believe I'm bailing out my son's mortage in a partial basement.

by bunnyhoney1972 February 23, 2011

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

long john silvers

a place were the food isnt that great and you overpay. workers are usualy clinicaly insane and horny little bastards.

"lets go get our wallet raped by long john silvers

by fred sumner May 4, 2008

37πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

john kerry

A moderate Democratic Senator, different ranking methods rate him between the 12th and 22nd most liberal Senator, he is in the center of the Democratic Party. Voted for the Iraq War. During the Democratic primary most people said they voted for him for no other reason than him being "electable". In exit polls 80% of the people who voted for Kerry said they were going on what they had seen on TV, 20% had actually researched all of the candidates. It was the opposite for Dean, 80% of the people who had voted for Howard Dean had researched all of the candidates. He was not a "flip-flopper", he never changed his mind on an issue, but on many issues he was deliberately vague. Contrary to Republican propaganda he did have one consistent position on Iraq.

Even though Kerry was such a poor candidate, Bush won with the smallest margin of victory for a sitting president in U.S. history. Bush received 2.5% more than Kerry; the closest previous margin won by a sitting President was 3.2% for Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

I'm sick of the Democratic Party nominating conservative Democrats, it's time to have a real liberal like Dennis Kucinich run for President. I will admit that Kerry was slightly better than Clinton or Gore.

by juan gomez June 16, 2005

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

john kerry

A moderate Democratic Senator, different ranking methods rate him between the 12th and 22nd most liberal Senator, he is in the center of the Democratic Party. Voted for the Iraq War. During the Democratic primary most people said they voted for him for no other reason than him being "electable". In exit polls 80% of the people who voted for Kerry said they were going on what they had seen on TV, 20% had actually researched all of the candidates. It was the opposite for Dean, 80% of the people who had voted for Howard Dean had researched all of the candidates. He was not a "flip-flopper", he never changed his mind on an issue, but on many issues he was deliberately vague. Contrary to Republican propaganda he did have one consistent position on Iraq.

Even though Kerry was such a poor candidate, Bush won with the smallest margin of victory for a sitting president in U.S. history. Bush received 2.5% more than Kerry; the closest previous margin won by a sitting President was 3.2% for Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

I'm sick of the Democratic Party nominating conservative Democrats, it's time to have a real liberal like Dennis Kucinich run for President. I will admit that Kerry was slightly better than Clinton or Gore.

by j05h May 15, 2005

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