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celestial empire

refers to the all-powerful Chinese empire which dominated the world.

The Celestial Empire would annihilate any of its counterparts around the world.

Challenging the Celestial Empire is equivalent with handing your ass over to be raped.

by Superior Middle Kingdomian March 10, 2005

28πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Celestial Taro

Celestial taro is a colloquialism in the region of Katoomba .It refers to mentally unwell faux psychic females who believe ,sadly due the long term cerebral effects of morbid obesity and self imposed isolation clouding the neural pathways of their brain,that ANGELS are talking to them and instructing them to avoid persons supposedly inhabited by Satan.
The unfortunate persons believed to be inhabited by Satan are in reality just much more interesting ,evolved and intelligent people than the infected faux psychic, thus creating an uncomfortable scenario for the normal citizen.....celestial taros can be found easily for they exhibit knome statues and possess dream catchers,wind chimes and all manner of spiritual kitsch.avoid at all costs!

" that celestial taro appears to have purchased a new crate of garden knomes and fairy lights to illuminate her otherwise man less and pathetic existence.how nice."

by Smuggoth June 22, 2012

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

celestial nut

When a man ejaculates so hard they pass out and experience cosmic enlightenment

After I had a Celestial Nut, I saw a whole different way of living.

by YuhWeOutHere January 2, 2018

Celestial Virgin


Michael: β€œI’m a celestial virgin”

by m0nnie98 February 9, 2022

celestial navigator

Christ Bob is the celestial navigator created when two Virgo high school sweethearts a year apart in age consummated a Heavener marriage on the exact date of MAY 13,1962 and 9 months and one day later their miracle is birthed on st Valentines day February 14, 1963. One day late and 29 dollars short of a KING's ransom. Destined to become the Scapegoat for all mankind. A JFK replacement I delivered nine months before his assassination. A man whose first act was timed naturally unrehearsed and unedited at 11:11. and uploaded on January 12, 2022. intitled "Robert Service's poems United Ordinary Man and the Rolling Stone." The celestial navigator can circle the globe in seconds on google earth and talk with folks all over the globe in their own language but cannot put enough gas in his truck to go back to work in the real world. This digital matrix is a wonderous thing but for the lack of currency that can be readily transferred into petro fuel. Everyone has a voice in the digital matrix but only in the bubble of their individual platforms. Time for self doxing in hopes the rumble vid that is monetized will find many listeners. I am Harpo Mason @ Quora, Bud McKinney @ Bookface, Christ-Bob @ replay poker, Spirit-master @ Locals, Bud McKinney @ youtube, Bud McKinney @ SoundCloud, and Leprechaun @ the rumble. :sdΚ‡Κ‡Ι₯//rumble.com/vsji5l-robert-services-poems-united-ordinary-man-and-the-rolling-stone..HTML editor is your code name

Blessings, respect, and love to all without prejudice.

LORD BUD: "Bob Christ is pure of heart, help give the celestial navigator a new start" In Jesus's name, I give you this duty. lend some network assistance to me. Open others' awareness so that they may stumble to the video we have at the rumble.

by Spiritual-Master February 1, 2022

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Extra Celestials

EC's or Extra Celestials are our ancestry of light, who are here to change the course of human destiny.

The website www.nancyburson.com tells us all about the Extra Celestials.

If you're hearing high pitched tones for a few seconds at a time, or seeing flashes of light from the corner of your eye, you are probably experiencing the loving Extra Celestials.

by ~Earthling~ April 28, 2009

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Celestial Rizz

Rizz, β€œCelestial”, term used to describe maximized Rizz. Rizz which never fails. Celestial Rizz, is associating with unfailing game.

Celestial Rizz, the ability to pull any Girl under the stars; Rizz associated with A God Level attractive man, typically Strong and beautiful, also wholesome.

Peter has Celestial Rizz, he can get any Girl on a whim! He doesn’t even have to flex to look like an Alpha.

by Heisenberg of Ohio January 19, 2023