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Comb me

A phrase originating from Kenya to mean 'enlighten me, make me understand'

Does a gun shoot both ways, like you cock a gun and it can either shoot back or forward? Someone comb me here. I know nothing concerning guns.

by Haisihs March 17, 2019

Combe Havened

When one takes another into a caravan site and becomes aquainted with anothers interior

Hey, has anyone seen Paul?? Yeah he's gone early to go and get Combe Havened

by Sparky999 September 24, 2009


n., a rearrangement of surrounding hair to cover a bald spot as completely as possible. Usually accomplished by flattening strands of hair in widely-spaced parallel stripes across the afflicted region. Rarely successful, often calls attention to the follically-challenged zone in question.

John painstakingly arranged the twenty-four remaining hairs (down two from yesterday!) flat across his the center of his balding pate. He separated the strands for maximum coverage, then secured and shined them with a dab of Vitalis conditioner.

by Ari Stern December 20, 2003

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Similar to a comb-over, involving the lengthy hair on the top and back of the head to cover up a receding hairline.

Person 1: Fact, Battlestar Galactica.

Person 2: Dude. You do realize your hair is horrible. Right? I mean... are you shitreous? a Comb-Down?

Person 1: Bears.

by Stonefox0357 May 28, 2009

Puffy Comb

The act of leaving excess hair on a comb , due to untamed and or nappy hair.

person 1 : " Oh girl , your weave is nap. You gunna have puffy comb!"

by DSL4L November 24, 2009


1) A dictatorial, balding boss with a bad comb-over and a mean disposition.
2) A small handed, orange skinned, wild-haired political leader an emotional tirade.

3) Donald trump on a good hair day.

Dude, did you see our comb-overlord in that press interview? Yeah, his hair was out of control!

by vududady February 18, 2017

hot comb

A hot comb is a metal comb that is heated up and run though an African American's, most often a female, hair. It is a way of having unpermed hair straightened.

The young girl sat still on the wooden stool so that her mother wouldn't burn her with the <i>hot comb</i>.

by K. Thomas May 4, 2004

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