Source Code

Roger & Ebert Award

When a guy inserts 2 thumbs up a woman's asshole.

Mary enjoyed the Roger & Ebert award she received last night.

by TopThree October 6, 2017

1👍 1👎

teach Roger Ebert to yodel

Something that is exceedingly difficult.

Students, I don't want to hear any more complaining about the term papers. You've had all semester to do this and the assignment has not changed. It's not like I'm asking you to teach Roger Ebert to yodel.

by Pork Breakdown December 14, 2010

Siskel & ebert

The act of inserting two thumbs up an asshole

I enjoyed her performance so I gave her the old siskel & Ebert

by Mick diggler November 1, 2020

Siskel & Ebert

A sexual act in which you put both thumbs in your partner’s ass.

We watched a great movie but the best part was after when she gave me a Siskel & Ebert!
What’s that!?
She put both her thumbs in my asshole when I was about to climax.

by HappyKeister September 17, 2021

Jack Ebert

Jack ebert hates god

That’s such a Jack ebert jack hates god

by Pooplord69420 January 1, 2021

very ebert

When you look like Roger Ebert and are very judgmental. For example "tsk, tsk--"

Why are you calling me out for this??; you are being very Ebert!!

by Thegundy August 11, 2022

Carter Ebert

Carter is a man that gives big dick vibes but has an extremely small penis. This is to hide the fact that he is gay, currently he is in the denial stage of being gay but the people around him know he is. This is mainly because he participates in the gay, I mean cross country. He tends to masturbate by just looking at a wall and with no content however in his head he is usually thinking about his male friends. Carter is a nice guy but on the low he wants to do some nasty things to his close male friends. And never forget a carter always reads a book from the 1930s to run from his problems.

"Damn that man reminds me of Carter Ebert." said Lawrence
"Yo did you see him smacking that dudes ass, he gives me Carter Ebert vibes." said Jaitan

by Kuaneek December 7, 2020