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Sexy Jewish girls with a lot of money.

Im such a JAP i luv 2 go shoping with daddy's credit card

by a sexy JAP April 30, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jewish American Princess. Spoiled rich Jewish girl. Most easily recognizable by proclivity for sucking cock.

-A J.A.P. huh? You know what that means...
-No, what?

by Gavagaibitch May 18, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


the definition of a J.A.P is a Jewish American Princess or Prince. They usually are girls. They wear the nicest cloths usually are a daddy's girl or inherit a lot of money. go to most expensive school. can be very smart but usually idiots.most go to sleepover camp (mostly Camp White Pine and Manitou)

Cloths they would wear- Juicy, free city, American Apparal, Free People, Aritzia, T.N.A, Canada Goose etc.

Shoes- Havianas, Converse, Tom's, Ugg, Moccasins, Hunters etc.

bags- Pink, Coach, Louis viton, Prada etc.

J.A.P #1 "did you see her shoes?...YUCK"

J.A.P #2 "ya i know!...wanna go shopping tommorow?"

J.A.P #1 "ya sure i love shopping!"

by mycheese12 October 16, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


IT is not a crime to be be a JAP!... A JAP is not always a slut or a spoiled brat... we just can't help it if boys love us and our parents enjoy giving us large amounts of money to spend on clothing and accesories. People who use to term JAP to describe someone are just jealous because we are hotter and have more money then you. If you haven't realized, most JAPs are very intelligent and go to very good colleges and universities. We aren't all about materialistic things. The term JAP is based on jealousy!

Clothing a JAP might wear: Seven, Blue Cult, Joes, Paper Denim & Cloth, Citizens, Lacoste, Abercrombie, C & C, Hardtail, Juicy, Marc Jacobs, Theory, D & G, Burberry, Ella Moss, Prada, etc...

Shoes a JAP might wear: Adidas Originals, Pumas, Prada, Marc Jacobs, Havianas, Reefs, Nike, Gucci, Burberry, etc...

Cars a JAP might drive: Audi, BMW, Mercedes(my personal favorite), Range Rover, Acuras, etc...

You can find JAPs in: Livingston, Millburn/Shorthills, Tenafly, Long Island, etc...

by Rachel Gabriella June 26, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


-A female not nessesarily Jewish or american, who belives that ones appearence is very important and is willing to do whatever it takes to look their best
-has usually large breasts, hips and a smaller waist with good legs, short
-optomistic and happy
-may seem to be superficial but is actually quite intelligent and is usually very educated
-wears very shleppy clothing (like sweats with holes or yoga pants) but manages to look put together
-likes to talk
-generally pleasent towards others
-interested in keeping well groomed
-low pain tolerance

"omg! hi! how are you! what have you been up to latley?"
"Ugh, i need a brazillian already"

by elleinad August 11, 2004

50๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pretty large brested girl with the best clothes and styles, who loves to shop!! Goes to expensive and fun sleepaway camps. Has the nicest designer clothes, bags, sunglasses, shoes etc. Goes on the greatest vacations (such as going on cruises). She always looks her best! Its not a crime to be a jap, hey I am one.

omg check out my new j.a.p. bag, always designer of course!
do you wanna go shopping with me this weekend, j.a.p.s always do??

by jappy girl92392 August 15, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


a jewish girl who has a certain amount of money and the ability to indulge at certain times. japs have taste and class. not all japs are spoiled and sluts. most are from the new york area and many go to sleepaway camp. it can be used as a derogetory term but people have come to enjoy it. one should be proud of being a jap

It it a privilege to be a J.A.P.

by cfaye518 July 6, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž