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Youtube Memories

When you're on youtube and see some old videos in the suggested videos column. You click on one, knowing that it's from 2007 you still watch it. Watching the video instantly makes you nostalgic about the time that video was released. Or some videos can make you feel like an idiot,thinking a stupid video was the funniest video ever.

Guy 1: "Hey go on youtube and look up Star Wars Kid"

Guy 2: "That's like 5 years old! It will bring back all these youtube memories"

by ImmediateAce October 1, 2013

memory hoarder

when one hoards/keeps unnecessary things just for its nostalgic purpose.

Bill: Really John, you kept a homework assignment from the 5th grade? Get a life, you're 35 you memory hoarder!

by wordman234 May 2, 2011

memory crank

Verb. A traditional form of masturbation, dating back to ancient times, where one channels his or her memory of a previously successful and pleasurable sexual encounter. Due to the rampant increase in availability of pornography via magazines, movies and the worldwide web, the number of recorded memory cranks per year has dropped by over 86%, although it still flourishes in many third-world countries and the southern United States where access to said improvements in pornographic materials currently remains limited.

"I was in the shower the other day and for whatever reason, I started thinking about that girl Sally I boinked in the shower back in college. Next thing I know, I'm sportin' a chubby and decide to give myself a good, old-fashioned memory crank."

by Kristopher Miller January 25, 2006

Muscle memory

When you done something repetitively until it is automatic

"Dude how did you do that?"
"With muscle memory!"

by aslpaul3939 June 18, 2020

memory flash

when something in the past comes back to your head in a "flash"

=D what a memory flash

by xxichigo110xx January 29, 2009

manual memory

Writing stuff on your hands so you remember it.

Meeting at seven? Just let me put that into manual memory... *writes on hand*

I learned to write with my left hand so I could double my manual memory.

by Blue Jack June 30, 2008

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Widow's memory

Any type of large sausage such as a saveloy as it resembles a penis.

"Do you fancy a bit of fish with your chips tonight"

"Nah, I'm in a meaty mood, I think I'll have a Widow's memory instead"

by gamerouche March 27, 2014

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