Source Code

racial plowfiling

Occurs when everyone has shoveled their driveway, and a snow plow driver is plowing the roads, and he needs to dump the snow somewhere. Problem is, everyone's driveways are clear, so the decision is made as a matter of race.

MaximusBlack: This plow comes down the street, he's piling this stuff up, and he can't pile it anywhere else. So I know that this guy was looking around thinkin' of whose day he's going to screw over. And he looks to the left: white folk, white folk, white folk, white folk, negro. Plow him. And I get plowed in, and I was so sour! And all I can do is just stand there, and give him that look.

NovaWar: Wait, wait, wait, wait. I guess you could call that, "racial plowfiling" YEEEAAAHHHHHHH!

-Thyra (Z) VS Plowboy (T) -- Starcraft 2 LAGTV

by Jesse_V February 14, 2013

279๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Racial Brofiling

When a bro assumes another bro will behave in a stereotypical way based on their ethnicity.

Black bro- Hey man want to hear my new track.
White bro- Nah, I'm not a fan of rap music.
Black Bro- It's classical music. Fool don't be racial Brofiling me.

by Broffesor Jay July 24, 2010

Racial card

Something most black people use to get their way by trying to make whites feel gulity. It's mostly involves the phrases "Because I'm black." "You racist"

Examples of the racial card:

"You won't have sex with me because I'm black, bitch you racist"

"You didn't vote Obama because he's black. Bitch you racist"

'You assume I did it cuz I black".

"You won't give it to me for free cause I'm black"

by Messager October 19, 2012

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racial rainbow

A strip of pictures of several people, each one belonging to a different race, with a perfect balance between males and females. Often appears on college textbooks and software boxart for no apparent reason.

"Dude, why is there a racial rainbow on the cover of my Norton Antivirus software?"

by Lord_Zetta September 8, 2008

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Racial fatigue

Tired of hearing about racial this and racial that

I have racial fatigue watching the news.

by norm hiscock March 11, 2015

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racial ploughfiling

When a black man gets his driveway filled with snow from the street, but none of his white neighbors do.

I had just finished shoveling the snow off my driveway, and the snow plow truck pulled into our cul-de-sac. Everyone was standing in their driveways, and the driver looked at each one of them. White man, white man, white man, BLACK MAN! And then he shoved all the extra snow in front of my house. That was racial ploughfiling if I ever saw it.

by bucolucas February 14, 2013

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racial slur

A derogatory nick-name generally used when talking shit about people from a specific race

"Damn beaners Mexicans didn't mow the grass yesterday"
"Porch monkeys Blacks love fried chicken!"
"Did you see them honkey White kids playing hop-scotch?"
"Fuckin towel heads Arabs blew up the WTC!"

These are all racial slurs

by Noble May 12, 2006

748๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž