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An epidemic that leads organizations to use the most boring verb in the English language โ€“ provide.

That nonprofit's website has a serious case of Providitis - all of their goals are to "provide XYZ."

Nonprofits always have the same narrative:"We exist. Give us money so we can PROVIDE things"

by pubpol555 November 9, 2017


A drug dealer with a family.

I'm a provider girl!

by J-lizzle June 21, 2005

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A word used by hicks, country boys, rednecks, etc.

I saw you missy, foolin around by the masolium. I won't breath a word to the police, provided you become my wife - Tracey Walter

by krhg37 November 7, 2010

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A unique variation of the widely known and wildly selfish and batshit crazy female gorilla, also known as the โ€˜Karen,โ€™ who are known for their characterisations as toilet paper hoarders, or anti-maskers, who pour their blood, sweat, tears, and whatever remnants of their dignity into the advancement of COVID-19, for the hope they envision that they put more people six feet under than six feet away.

NEWS: โ€œScientists have confirmed the existence of a new human species, separated from the Homo Sapiens, known as the PrOVIDer. From the current information we have, scientists hypothesis that they are a distant chain of humans broken off from the Homo Sapiens sixty thousand years ago. And we also have warning that they are dangerous, so should you approach them, prepare to convert to theismโ€”if you have notโ€”because you will spend the next ten days of your life praying that you never met them. Donโ€™t forget the therapy fees.โ€

by ACTethx September 29, 2020


Main city in Rhode Island, contains a lot of 'hood, a few rich college kids at Brown, and ghetto trash of all races. Women tend to wear lots of makeup, tramp stamps and gold jewelry. Men wear gold chains and ghetto style including shiny white sneakers and hats cocked up and to the side.

"This guy from Providence was wearin' Gucci gold chains and had a pimped out old Audi. My parents were not impressed."

by aalliissssoonn March 12, 2006

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Rhode Island state capitol.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Diverse melting pot style neighborhoods......Going down the toilet since the "corrupt" mayor got tossed.

Mr. Cianci may have not done things the way others would...but he got shit done and the city was better off.

The major free local publication(The Providence Phoenix) is a complete peice of shit rag that doesn't have the slightest clue about anything going on in the underground music scene (hip hop or rock) and they just step on and devastate the local music scene with their horrible bullshit in print.

the bad neighborhoods aren't even that bad if you think of human beings as human beings.....

I'm a scrawny white kid and I ride my bike through south prov and olneyville when its dark and light and never have problems.

There are alot of prejudice people and there are alot of pollitically correct people.....neither of which I really care for..

apparently there is a mob presence but I doubt like hell anyone ever "actually" witnesses any presence except for italian people eating italian food at italian restaraunts...

There is a large club scene here which is completely destroying the music scene and filling our neighborhoods with lousy college kids who have no courtesy for neighbors and drunk drivers flying up and down our streets making the pedestrian population unsafe.

This has the potential to be a great bike city....but it isn't.

Apparently they teach kids how to be juvenile delinquent shitheads at hope high school because thats what the majority of kids that come out of that school are...( there are always those shining scholar exceptions however )
But most of the time they are just no-good lazy,violent,drug addicted losers that just walk around after school...start riots at the mall and steal from retailers and blast shitty mp3s on there cellphones that sound like garbage.

This city has a lousy mayor who doesn't know how to do his fucking job and is a complete pansy.

the police is pretty onpoint......maybe they aren't always taking care of business in the proper order of importance but for the most part they are understanding and helpful in most situations.

Federal hill is just like any other ordinary restaraunt strip...nothing special...

all in all....providence is losing its appeal very quickly..

boston realtors are constantly moving in,buying up properties and jacking up rents.....

and the new faces jsut aren't as friendly or as educated as the ones that have been here for a while.

I love this city..it's beautiful...but its on its way out.

Waterfire sucks too.....nothing but a bunch of out of towners shittin up the joint and causing traffic jams city wide.

Providence-Get out...

new jacks-Us? Why?

Providence-Because you're shittin' up the joint.

new jacks-you serious?

Providence-Yeah I am.

by Providencebeast April 16, 2007

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Those who offer up there weed, bowls, etc to others in the crowd for no compensation.

"Hey man, you want a hit of this?" said the Provider.

"Sweet, yeah man." said the weedless person.

by /soberman July 20, 2013

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