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The year good music died. However a few rebels tried to write half decent songs which were listened to and enjoyed by many. Unfortunately the last one died early 2009.

Now talentless cows can make it onto the radio with auto tune and lyrics about 'having sex at parties' or 'having sex in taxis' or even 'having sex in your parents bedroom.'

Another way they get on the radio is singing about a thing called 'love.' And after listening to their songs, I'm not sure theirs such a thing anymore. Any person who attempts use his tactic to get on the radio has a range of 2 notes max, and always sounds like they're crying.

And the final reason why good music is dead is what I'd like to call modern day pop....
No. Just no.

God bless 80s and 90s pop music sensations.

Example 3.
Dad: Why are you downloading 80s songs onto your i-pod?
Smart Teenager: Because our modern suuuuuuuuuuucks!

Example. 2
Generic teenager: OMG Did yOU lYk here Ke$has KNeW soyng iTs Lyke dA bEsT!? i rlly lIK dA pARt iN da song WheRe shi taalKs abOut haViNG sEcKs at a partie!
Generic Teenager 2: i know rite?

Example 3.
John: It's funny how people like Christina and Brittany are genuinely talented but are wasting it on songs with awful beats and lyrics
Jess: Well that's the year 2000 for you.

by theflyingcookie December 13, 2010

43πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


a breakers variation of the 1990 where instead of spinning only on one hand you put your other hand over top of teh one spinning.

2000 is only mastered after the 1990

by blazed December 7, 2004

42πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


Almost 23 years ago. Feel old yet?

Person 1: The year 2000 was almost 23 years ago.

Person 2: *Transforms into someone’s grandparent* Dude wtf what was that for

by CurledPawsAndStuff October 30, 2022


The last full year of the roaring 90's, even though some wise ass might point out that it's not literally in the 90's. It was the 90's generation still.

2000 was a year of hope and naive hope for the world to keep going the way it was.

And so it was, until, BOOM, 9/11 happens, we go until a war, the economy crumbles, there's mass shootings, kids become socially fucked up, and the world sucks.

I think all 90's kids will remember 2000 as the last year they can look back on and think "damn, what a time to be alive" It really was. 2000 was a time to be alive. We all naively hoped that the prosperity of the 90's would go on forever. But indeed they didn't, and the Roaring 20's should have taught us that prosperous generations usually come to a very abrupt end with no warning whatsoever. If we're ever lucky enough to live in a prosperous generation like that, just remember, enjoy it while it lasts, because it WILL end abruptly. We've learned that the hard way twice. First in 1929 and then in 2001.

2000 really was a time to be alive. Everyone had a good will, no one was scared, and teenagers weren't so damn dysfunctional and arrogant.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 7, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A power move used in bboying where a bboy starts off on their feet and builds momentum while getting into a handstand. The bboy continues to place one hand on the wrist and twerks the upper body sideways to create a spinning motion while balanced on the palm of their hand.

That korean guy's 2000s are very fast!

by ck7o3 February 4, 2007

17πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


The beginning of the shittiest most horrific era in history

Look up any year in the 21 century on this website and it will say something negative about it. Then look up a year in the 80's or 90's on this website and it will say something positive. The year 2000 was the beginning of an era that was so bad and even worse nobody knew that it would even be this bad

by Hugh neutron December 31, 2016

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The decade that will go down in history as being one of the WORST. The economy turned to shit. The housing market was crazy. Gas prices went WAY up.

George dubya Bush was Americas leader for nearly the whole damn decade.

Shitty nonsensical music saturated the airwaves.

9/11 happened

War in the middle east

A horrible start of the 21st century.

The only real good things to come out of this decade was technological advances and the hipster mindset. Maybe not technological advances, cause now everyone is buried into their FUCKING iPhone

In the last part of the decade Obamanation has proven himself to be a very inept leader, how tf is healthcare reform and saving dying corporations going to save the economy from going into deeper shit?

Pretty much a summary of this shit decade, the 2000s

Because of the way this economy is America will become bankrupt pretty damn soon, leaving China as the supreme ruler of the earth.

by rek-cram October 17, 2011

17πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž