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One of the most recognized and well known groups on myspace, known for its "family" like atmosphere and beautiful members. It is run by platinum king blue plastic and has been running for over a year. Its famous members include rikerockstar, carrie rose, nellee flamboyant and cody conceited.

Are you good enough for vain?

by jodyjoyful August 5, 2009

37πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


meaning not yielding the desired outcome, or fruitless...

ok, that does make me feel better... but it seems to be fruitless... cuz i dont think ill ever get the desired outcome

well that makes me feel better... but it seems to all be in vain...

by U KNOW IT January 21, 2006

23πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


samuel mckerr ..............the one and only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wheres the mirror

by sam June 11, 2004

13πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

waiting in vain

Hopelessly waiting for something/someone that will never be yours.

I was waiting in vain for him to leave his wife.

by BRE11:11 March 28, 2016

53πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Vain Stain

Fake Tan or the orange shit that self-obsessed insecure women smear all over themselves to try to make themselves more attractive to men. The irony is that pretty much all men hate it and think it makes women look like fucking idiots.

No matter how much Vain Stain that geebag smears all over herself, she still can’t hide from the fact that she’s a self-obsessed ugly bitch.

If she puts on any more VainStain she’ll turn into a fucking UmpaLumpa!

by IceGiant February 27, 2008

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Vain Imaginings

Vain Imaginings are those useless thoughts that go through a persons mind when they are being useless. The term is commonly used in religious documents. That's because God doesn't want people sitting on their ass doing nothing all day.

I spent my entire vacation enthralled in vain imaginings.

by MultiFest October 2, 2017

Vain Booking

Constant, inane updates about every social move in someones life. Normally undertaken by those with a over zealous view of their own importance in others lives, or by those that realize their life is meaningless and try to buy social cred with ex school mates by these constant updates. Names and places mentioned are normally linked to profiles of people/bars/events.

Vain Booking:"**so excited** that I'm meeting Melanie and Quincy at the LimeBar tonight to drink VodkaSparklyBlues."

Translation: I'm still single, and so are my friends, we are going to get shitfaced where lawyers our Dads age hang out in the hope of getting me a sugar daddy.

Vain Booking:"Had the best lunch with Princess and Pony at UberCafe and had a Goats Ball Salad with lychees and a glass of Snotts Hill Riesling."

Translation: I have no class and my boyfriend/husband can't stand to be seen with my vapid ass in public, so me and my Jimmy Choo wearing sistas make each other feel important every Friday for lunch.

by Apostater November 10, 2010

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž