The act of getting fucked up on pills. Said pills can include Vicodin (hyrdocodone/apap), Norco (stronger hydrocodone/apap) Oxycotin (Oxycodone), Xanax (Alparazolam) etc. This is when you are in a complete state of being fucked up from taking pills, either orally, inter nasally, or even anally.
Ryan: Yo, Steve-O, what you got there?
Steve-O: About 90 Narcos and 120 Xanax.
Ryan: Oh shit, we're gonna be all gnawed out today!
some shit Aiden says to his mother cause he refuses to go to bed
Aiden's mother: good night!
Aiden: Gog Gnaw!
Wangledang; penis;dick;cockadoodledoo
Eric couldn’t keep his boo gnawing in his pants.
Backwoods term Used to have oral sex
Hey girl let me gnaw on that thang right there
A Gnaw Gooner is an individual who has gained hand calluses and really enjoys scratching or gnawing them off or just picking at them. It is a stimulating activity known to be popular by gym goers/ autistic people.
"My autistic teacher remembers back in the day when he was a Gnaw gooner. He doesn't partake in that life anymore."
The eternally pleasurable act of providing someone you love (preferably a female, from a male perspective) with the utmost respect and pleasure to her her amazing reproductive organs.
I was gnawing on her pussy until all she wanted was me to hold her all night.
when a child or innocent gnaws on a piece of paper or something important you cannot toss; something wet with spit, but still valuable
"I'm sorry, Mr. Baker, but my son gnaw-obbled the corner of the presentation folder."