Source Code

blowjob height

When a girl is so short that she could give blowjobs while standing.

Dayum dude..that girl over there is so short she's blowjob height

by someone bored September 16, 2006

76πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Height Hoe

A height hoe is a girl of average or short height who will only date men above a certain height (normally 6'0"). Tall girls can also be height hoes, but if they're 5'9" or taller it's understandable.

Rebecca: He's 6'3", I don't want to be a height hoe, but you know, I'm 5'9"
Alexander: It's reasonable

by Japas August 11, 2018

Chester Heights

Neighborhood located in Eastchester, NY. The area is small and unique because it is essentially where several towns/cities meet (Mt. Vernon, Pelham, Tuckahoe, Bronxville, Eastchester and to some extent New Rochelle).

Chester Heights is home to the popular Elia Taverna restaurant, a family-owned grocery store, and several other small shops including a GiGi's Nails and J&G Deli.

It is commonly considered to be the area between California Road and Exit 14, in either direction, off the Hutchinson River Parkway.

Person 1: Where do you live?

Person 2: I have a Bronxville address, a Pelham phone number, I go to Tuckahoe High School, if I call 911 Eastchester Police show up, my neighbors across the street live in Mt. Vernon, and all my friends are from New Ro.

Person 1: So, where do you live?

Person 2: Chester Heights. Right by DeCiccos!

by Chester Girl August 11, 2011

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Height Queen

A female that only considers tall men as potential suitors, totally disregarding a potential mate that isn't tall even if they happen to be taller than her and have a more compatible personality than the taller men.

Usually a Height Queen will pen down "must be 5ft10+" or "must be 6ft+" on their dating personals.

Dave: Hey Sarah why did you pass up on Rob? He really likes you and you have to admit you both have a lot in common. He's really down about it.

Sarah: Because he's too short. He's really sweet n' all but I just wasn't attracted to him.

Dave: Short?? He's like 5ft9 and your 5ft3. He's taller than you by a considerable amount! Are you a Height Queen or something?

Sarah: I only date men over 6 feet tall, shallow I know but I can't help it, that's just the way I feel, sorrrryyyyy. Whats a Height Queen?

by anodious October 8, 2009

103πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

city heights

The most eastern area in San Diego, bordered by Mid-City to the west and La Mesa to the east. Besides Southeast, it is the most dangerous area in San Diego. It is actually very pleasant to visit, there are mostly crumbling beauty salons, Asian markets and laundry, and little Mexican taco shops (Aiberto's and Filiberto's, mainly). There are two high schools in City Heights, Crawford High Educational Complex and Hoover High. Hoover High is one of the worst high schools in San Diego. Crawford has been recently renovated. The majority of City Heights is very diverse, mostly Mexican, Asian, and African American, but at the schools in City Heights you will see almost everything you could imagine on the ethnicity chart. The area recently got an urban village, community center, and Metro Center. Houses are very beautiful and well-looked after, but you will notice bars on windows and doors, and lots of tagging. The people living there are very friendly.

We're gonna go to City Heights, chill at the park on Orange Ave, go to Aiberto's and get some rolled tacos, get our hair done at Hair Raising Experiences on University, and ride our chill bikes through da streets!

by Carmina> April 29, 2007

69πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Jackson Heights

Like its said before β€œthe illezt β€œ town in NYC. A place you never seemed to be really bored. A place where every damn race or ethnicity seems to converge. Broken up into three sections, The Indian/Asian part, The Whitey Part, and The Hispanic part and you’ve been to all three. With a rival stores within a block range from each other like BK and McDonalds on the same damn block. Where your proud to show your true colors and proud to tell everyone where you came from. Living here its most likely that you have friends who are Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Black and White. Here we got the best food out of ANYWHERE, cause Bitch we got EVERY kind of food here! Here, you can be who ever you want to be, Gansta, Skater, Goth or just normal, doesn’t matter! Here is where you make the best memories of your life. We have the best of the best, no doubt bout that.

Guy: Yo bitch, where you from?
Girl: Jackson Heights motherfucker!
Guy: Dayum!

by Tommy (the silly bitch) November 15, 2006

257πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Sterling Heights

A vacation spot for those who can't leave the country, and wish to travel to Iraq.

Also known as little Baghdad, Sterling Heights has an enormous amount of arabs,who enjoy sitting on their sofas in the garage, and drinking "ahweh" or as others would say, coffee.

While they can't seem to mow their lawns, or take down the Christmas lights in April, they do know how to buy black Escalades with 24 inch rims, and don't forget the tint.

Also, the display of the Virgin Mary wrapped in plastic and with 5 different Rosaries around her neck is very prevalent in the front yards of all arabs.

Oh, and one other thing, if you hear a group of arabs screaming Dakhuit, mariam, or callet, don't be afraid. it's only natural.

"Hey Firas, Dakhuit bro, want to go to cafe mocha in sterling heights and smoke some argeeleh?"

by Firas Hanna April 18, 2009

308πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž