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bmw m5 e39

a Badass car that gives you a lot of chicks. Also it's very fast. Probably the best sports sedan made in 2000s.

Omg he bought a BMW m5 e39, he's so badass

by Kas skaitys tas gaidys December 3, 2020


A legendary scripter. Famous for his Arma 3 youtube videos and piloting skills.

Damn M5 just fucked Idildo so hard.

by Bra11s May 9, 2019


If you're as clogged up as this road, you need to go to hospital. Free carpark for 19 years and now a $8 carpark.

"I'm coming home on the M5 tonight."
"See you next Christmas, if you actually get home"

by chaslicfanboy November 24, 2020