When you burn your mouth from eating a freshly picked burrito from the burrito garden.
The burritos finally ripened and I couldn't resist biting one right when I picked it and now I have burrito mouth!
A slur defining a trans masc genitals
Jessica transitioned and got a burrito dick lmao
When your doctor touches your nurse, in a mexican way.
In experienced my first Dr. Burrito in the restroom at Aunt Chiladas.
A man or women who sexually assaults a burrito without consent or forcefully does so.
John went to soobway and saw a burrito. He immediately fell in love with it and took it to rape it at Johnny Jim’s. Thats what I call a Burrito Rapist!!!
Special members of a squad that is more elite than your cat nan get naced only the most important people on this planet can join the squad if your a fraud you get shot gang gang #burritosquad #dontsweatus
We're about to burrito gang on you
that moment when your not sure which end of the burrito to bite into. one side is full of tomatoes and cilantro the other delicious meat, rice, guacomole, and sour cream
shit i just lost burrito roulette i hate when this happens
A fish burrito is when you roll a girl(who hasn't showered) in a blanket just like you would roll up a burrito. After this is done you insert your head into the bottom part of the "burrito" and eat out her fishy smelling vagina.
Guy- This chick i met has the best fish burrito's ever. She even had tartar sauce on that shit.
Guys friend- Uhhhhhhh I think that was the hooker I banged last night. I left a little bit of a mess.
Guy- ohhhhhh so that's why it was sticky (throws up)