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Lamest trend. Kids who listen to most of the time crappy music and wear black and have to wear Hot Topic clothes to look different. Real goths are not close minded. Some goths are blues singers. Gothic is over-rated trend that really should die out .

Too bad our society has too many white sheep. We need black sheep again . Not kids wearing black

by East Bay Ray November 7, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


First of all, there are several kinds of Goths.

1)Traditional goths: Usually displayed by main charicters in fiction books or movies, Such as Van Helsing or V for Vendetta. "Traditional" goths are bold, creative, and very intelegent people. They usually dress in all black and white. Most Traditional Goths do not wear all the spiky studded stuff. Usually just long dark clothes made of Leather or Velvet. They are usually on the brighter side of life and expect the unexpected. They simply choose this life style because it is different from the majority. Traditional Goths will listen to all kinds of music, but favor and find the beauty in Classical, Opera, and Instrumental music. They appretiate great art, drama, music, or anything else that has a sense of "elegence" to it. They have a strong sense of symbolism, and often wear lots of necklaces or rings. Traditional Goths enjoy being around just about anyone as long as the people they are with arn't to immature. Most Traditional Goths are of Christian Faith, though can be of any religion.

2)Modern Goths: Modern Goths are much like Traditional Goths, but more "modern" as the name may suggest. They are bold, creative, and intelegent. Displaying many of the traits of a Traditional Goth. But they wear the kinds of clothes you might find at Spencers, Hot topic, or your local Renassance fair. Modern Goths listen to most kinds of music, but will perfer more Hardcore music or Metal. They like the feeling of being "Heavy" and "Extreme" while at the same time not breaking the law or anything. They are rebelious and will do everything in their power from becoming a conformist. Most of them enjoy the Fine Arts, but in a different light from Traditional goths. Modern Goths love to be with freinds, and in large groups just hanging out.

3) Punk Goths: Punk Goths are not at all like any other kinds of Goths. Punk Goths wear the kind of spiky, studded, covered in black clothes a Modern Goth might wear, but similarities end there. Punk Goths are as the name suggests. Punks. They are usually nice people but they do enjoy breaking the rules most of the time. They listen to usually nothing less hardcore then Trash Metal and don't have as great respect for the fine arts as other Goths do.
They simply enjoy looking and acting tougher then the average joe.

4)Emo Goths: Now, I know alot of you people out there think Emo's are horrible posers that wish they were the opposite sex, slit their wrists, and want all the attention in the world. Emo Goths are alot different.
Emo Goths are usually from families that don't function well. For example, one of their parents may be an alchoholic or a stoner. Perhapes the death of a dear friend of relative, or maybe just feeling alone. Emo Goths wear pretty much nothing but black, sometimes with studs. Usually wearing Black skater brand T shirts or Band T shirts with black or blue jeans. Emo Goths have great respect for the fine arts, and usually listen to Punk Rock, Altrernative, or metal. Some Emo Goths do harm themselves, some see it as a distraction or a temperary escape from the stress they may be under. Emo Goths do not HAVE to be under stress to be an Emo Goth, but stress is what may lead to it. Emo Goths are usually creative in their own ways, and like to be alone maybe with a small group of friends. They hate crowded rooms and being with large mobs of people.

5)Black Goths: Black Goths are usually good people, but some may call them "Evil". Most Black goths are Wiccans, Satanists, or of other "Unusual" Religions. They beleive in magic and curses. Most Black Goths are nice people, someone you can have a normal conversation with. Some of them are a bit like punk Goths, like breaking the rules. The personality of a Black Goth really depends on their Religion. Not all "Satanic" Black Goths are the kind of people that want everyone to die though, some of them are as normal as you are. Black Goths enjoy being with people much like themselves, and enjoy all kinds of music. Usually Classical, Traditional, or "Black Metal". Black Goths may wear long black robes or Jackets. Sometimes wearing normal clothes.

So as you can see there are many times of Goths as there are many types of people. Do not misjudge them simply because they look "Demonic" or like something out of a horror movie. Get to know one first. All Goths display individuality proudly. Which is what makes them a Goth. Not all Goths have to wear black or studded Leather. "Goth" is more of a personality then it is a style.

Look at that guy! He looks like a Traditional Goth.

by Kopoka December 27, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Goths are a part of a counter-cultural movement that embraces the dark side of life. Though some goths are depressed and suicidal, this is not the true basis for the gothic culture. As a counter-culture, goths have a point for their existence. They express their opposition to the norm, their desire for individuality, as well as their pain and suffering through their style, music, attitudes, and spiritual beliefs. Goths are not devil-worshippers, anti-prep, or fixated on death. They are intelligent, individualistic human beings who simply express themselves differently from the mainstream.

Here are some stereotypes of goths:
-they never smile
-they never laugh
-they always wear black
-they worship satan
-they are depressed, suicidal
-they are obsessed with death
-they hate preps
-they do drugs

There are also many types of goths out there. For example, there is your stereotypical goth, your cyber goth, your emo/goth, your industrial goth, your Victorian goth, and many more.

In general, every goth has his/her own definition as to what goth is. So don't knock anyone else's defintion or criticize others for their views.

Gothic is a subculture as well as counter-culture which embraces the dark side of life.

by Kimberly 2000 June 17, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


people who conform to each other while trying to be different.

goth: "If you want to be a non-conforming goth like us just act like we do, wear the same clothes we do, and listen to the same music we do."

cool person: "shutup queer noone wants to be like you."

by Aw skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet May 29, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


A clique of people viewed as many things, including whiny, artistic, brilliant, and scary. Hypocritically non-conformist, as the goths you see most of (supposedly posers) all wear clothes that were taken out of a burned down Hot Topic and share the same pessimistic attitude. Most of them probably have a great life and still bitch about how mean their parents are. They do not worship the Devil, I'll give them that. Worshiping the Devil is just something that extreme right wing politicians make up to make artists who speak their mind look bad.

Marilyn Manson is not a Goth.
More than half of the population of a school for the arts is probably Goths.

by Mat Marshall19808 August 15, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A loser with no personality who listens to Slipknot.. Most fans of what people consider real goth bands like Christian Death, etc, and goth metal like Paradise Lost, don't go around trying to use wearing all black as an excuse for having no personality. Goth's dress generally in all black and for some fucked up reason enjoy to indulge in depression. Thousands of goth fags are replying to this thread saying, real goth's don't listen to Slipknot, etc, but that's bullshit. A typical goth listens to Slipknot because they think their underground and original, dress in all black just because all the other "goth"'s do and have nearly no social lives. They choose not to associate themselves with preps, skaters (not the ones who own a skateboard and think their good cause they can ollie and maybe shuv it in the grass or while not moving.. real skaters), sane metalheads (Black metal fags they tend to like.. Not Celtic Frost, etc, fans, but Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, etc fags. Metalheads with a decent taste in music like Malmsteen, Exodus, Overkill, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Blind Illusion, Rush, Angel Witch, Death, etc, usually are too "conformist" for them cause they choose not to dress in all black and "rebel" against everything that is minimally popular, mainstream, etc).

There is no such thing as real goths. It's bullshit they came up with just so they could look like "rebels". Goths are pathetic, hypocritical, voids of personality.

And IMO, it's much less homo-erotic to just listen to what music you like (for me it's anything from jazz like John Scofield and Coltrane/jazz-rock fusion like Dark Hall and At War With Self, to mainstream alt. rock/metal like Alice In Chains, REM and System of a Down to metal like Overkill, Sceptic, Vader, Paradox, Testament and Helloween.. And anything from any other genre that I like), wear what you like (and no, all black with 4 pounds of chains thrown in isn't creative) and just do whatever the fuck you want (like Cliff Burton sai.d "Control your life through insanity")

Goth 1: Dude, look at my new black pants I bought this weekend.. They only cost $240... Fight the system man..

Goth 2: I know, why can't people just understand that we're individuals that enjoy expressing ourselves in the least creative way possible and listening to music that is horrible and talentless (which for some reason makes it original and unique)..

Goth 1: Deep.

by Shmeer October 10, 2006

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goths, in a word, fake. They pretend to try and be different from everyone, saying that everyone else is just a clone. However, all of them dress similar, (black clothing, spikes, died hair) and act similar. So, they are in fact, they themselves clones. They pretend like nobody likes them and they have no friends, but it is only because they dress strangley and are reclusive that it is that way. They bring everything upon themselves.

Additionally, they have no idea what they want in life. They wish not be noticed by everyone else in their school yet they dress differently and can be easily picked out of a crowd...kind of counter productive eh. If they knew what they wanted, they would not be different and weird, rather they would be like everyone else. They are hipocritical as they think that normal society is composed of people who act and look the same, while all they do is dress, act, and think the same way...so who, in reality, are the clones.

Tom: hey you wanna buy a collared shirt
Jeff:no way, everyone has one
Tom: alright, lets go dress like the freaks in the corner and wear all black
Jeff: YEAH

by tyscar August 6, 2005

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