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Made Me A Liar

A phrase used when someone is instantly proven wrong.

"There is no way you can flip a coin ten times and land on the same side each time."

(A few moments later)

"Well...you made me a liar."

by Someone who kinda exists August 12, 2021

National liar day

national liars day is May 4th this is a day where lairs can celebrate !!

may 4th is National liar day it’s a day where all liars can celebrate!!

by bbrriiaannaa April 30, 2022

Dog liar

When someone uses looking after the dogs as an excuse to not attend an event.

Me: “Charlie do you wanna come to my party?”

Charlie: “Na, gotta look after my parents dogs!”
Me:”You’re such a dog liar!!!”

by Charlie the dog liar October 18, 2018


talking to a candy floss sculpture encrusted with concrete

you may think its impossible and you may be right.

by Krkič September 24, 2019

race liar

An fraud who goes under the guise of blackface to get sympathy of the community they claim to represent, as the one from Spokane, Washington was outed as really being Czech. Her linkedin account was discovered as the wordpress blog "Lying Bastards All Around" addressed what she did. A race liar is another form of a fabulist on a journalistic level as they draw from alternate history to give themselves a biography where they lie about their real ethnicity.

The media hounds were having a field day with Rachel Dolezal as they caught her as a race liar. She can't even find a job working in porn as Wikipedia reported on this -- do a Bing.com search Wordpress: Lying Bastards All Around and one will find the biting investigative blog entry. It's a light grey blog with a red side panel. The commentary before the blog entry starts has a link to a photo on her facebook; trolling ensues.

by illinoishorrorman January 15, 2018

Pickle eating liar

Someone who eats pickles but say they hate pickles has the same feel as liar liar pants on fire. This term can be used for someone who lies for little thing

You said it was 6!! Its 5:59 you pickle eating liar

by The pickle eater December 19, 2022

Bitchface Liar

Woman who exploits every possible emotional vulnerability to attempt to avoid retribution for her actions. Often walks around acting "scarred," morose, or exerts excessive Pride to intimidate others as every past occurrence is reconsidered to victimize herself to deter the accuser or gain group support against them.

A Satanic Sociopath.
A Be'elzebub.

"Dude, she's crying! Why are you being such an asshole?"
"How many times do I have to tell you, this woman is a Bitchface Liar, I've seen her practice that a hundred times. Even an actress can do that."

by KarmaLog July 6, 2018