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ass on your shoulders

Being overly defensive, obnoxious, confrontational, or just generally annoying.

Man, you've really got your ass on your shoulders.

by Emby Quinn May 19, 2006

101๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Shoulder Chat

Occurs when two people are chatting online, particularly facebook chat, and one person says they cannot talk anymore. The person signs off to show they're offline to purposely stop talking, then signs right back on. AKA shutting you out.

Reasons for this include annoyance, you don't know the person, or you are just having a bad day and do not want to carry on a conversation that is completely pointless.

Dude 1- "I was talking to Karen the other night and she said she had to go. But then when she signed off, she signed right back in."

Dude 2- "Man, you totally got the cold shoulder chat."

Dude 1- "Do you think I have any luck with her?"

Dude 2- "No way in hell man..."

by Cool Tool July 29, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

cry on someones shoulder

to cry in front of someone to be pitied
to actually cry on someone's shoulder
to have someone comfort you in times of sorrow

something caused my friend to cry on someones shoulder

by *^&%#$ May 13, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chip on his Shoulder

"Chip on his shoulder" commonly refers to someone who has a self-righteous feeling of inferiority or a grudge. An example would be someone always bringing up how they are or were disadvantaged in some way.

Person 1:"I was raised in a working class family with no luxuries"

Person 2:"But now you're a millionaire..."

Person 3:"Don't worry about him mate, he's just got a chip on his shoulder."

by ElectricFishy August 12, 2008

630๐Ÿ‘ 274๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chip on your shoulder

The term means to interact in a provocative way, daring someone to resist you. When you are angry at someone, and instead of speaking about it, you do something to annoy them in hopes that they will argue with you, youโ€™ve got a chip on your shoulder. Proactive Passive Aggression.

You've got a chip on your shoulder.
I cannot stand her she's got a chip on her shoulder.

by Roderick Sterling April 4, 2018

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Shoulders Make Babies

What teachers at schools that don't allow you to wear shirts that reveal your shoulder think about shoulders.

Teacher: Oh God your shoulder is showing, don't you know that shoulders make babies?!

by Trashist January 12, 2017

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Awkward Shoulder Pat

When you have to pretend to feel sorry for someone, but you really don't, so you just give them the most awkward, non-comforting shoulder pat in the world.

"Joey told me he just broke up with his girlfriend. I always hated her, so I just gave him the Awkward Shoulder Pat."

by Skipmania April 29, 2010

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