You screw it in your choice the ass or the nut
My uncle helped me dick screw the damn thing in the nut
Mother chubler
This is the phrase that a crackhead with screech at you after almost being ran over by "some lip" in a blue Ford. This may take place outside of a newly built care home or a nursery that kind of rhymes with 'Tittle Nippley'. After the crackbum has destroyed her lungs with fifty cigarettes and a bottle of K-aid that she dyes her hair with, the crackhole takes pleasure in terrorising poor unsuspecting children. She can usually be found outside phone booths with her legs open, chatting up little kids. She will cackle loudly whenever children are near. This cackle is her mating call. Dating back to the ancient Incans, whenever faced with this cracknose, it has become common knowledge among fisherman to run into the nearest off license. If the crackface follows you, she will be so mesmorised by all the booze, she wont follow you anymore. Instead, she will drink away all those months spent in rehab.
Charlie: What is that? Looks like a walking pack of ciggies! White on the top and brown on the bottom!
Kaid: Walk past quickly and don't make eye contact! I've dealt with these crackelbows back in Vietam!
(They walk past her very quickly when they hear a strange noise).
Cathy: keEP oN sCrEwIng! (x2)
Kaid: Christ, she's different to any I know! I hooked up with one and she was nowhere as bad as this crackmunch! This is an evolved Crokémon!
Charlie She looks like my mummy.
Noun - The final result when you post for a career with Sodexo, believing their claims of fairness and diversity, only the be treated less that an indentured slave.
After years of dedication and loyalty she was given the Sodexo-screw for a VP's secretary.
"Screw steamer" is an old style term for a ship powered by a steam engine. (WINK)
"I bet if you looked at the urban dictionary listing for “screw steamer” you’d get a much different answer then on wikipedia, said Lauren Rock."
Fornication where one or more of the participants have a butt plug inserted in them during the act.
I can't wait to go home; Mary said we can have a cork and screw tonight!
Also known as forepkay
Includes kissing, fondling, breast sucking and fingerjng.
Tgat kiss was a real screw starter.
When you want to go linear but that bush be all rotational
I got on that ball screw before it knew about going straight down the shaft