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Sexual Blackmail

The fear that upon a break-up/divorce the other party will use your sexual fantasies and/or tendencies and divulge them openly to other people or during the course of the divorce process so all things said are maintained in public record. This natural fear of being sexually blackmailed will ultimately keep you from leaving your significant other and you will continue to live your life as a shell of who you are.

Caleb - "I really want to get a divorce but I'm afraid if I do she will tell everyone that I like to dress up as 'The Gimp'. It's fucking sexual blackmail!"

Gabriel - "Yeah man, that sucks......wait you dress up as The Gimp?"

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 August 13, 2016

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The name for boys/girls who like boys/girls that look like girls/boys but aren't gay/lesbian.

Zachary (a boy) likes Shiloh (a boy), but Shiloh looks like a girl, and Zach isn't into boys, but he's into girls, and he's into Shiloh because he looks like a girl. Zachary, is Shi-sexual.

by Zelink December 13, 2011

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Sexual Enhancement

To raise and intensify a sexual act or situation to a higher degree.

Jack used the ol' slap and twist as a sexual enhancement
to increase Jill's orgasm.

by R2-DQ February 11, 2010

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Sexual Deviant

Someone whose sexual interests and preferences involve anything but vanilla, oral, or anal sex.

Kyle is a sexual deviant who is known to fuck people's armpits.

Paul is a sexual deviant who likes to sandwich his dong against two lubed up dinner plates and perform a bit of an in-n-out.

Jenny is a sexual deviant who finds sexual pleasure only through wallowing in gooey filthy mud while naked.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 30, 2021

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sexually bipolar

A person who switches between fuckboy status and lover boy.

Have you seen Spencer, he’s so sexually bipolar.

by Thotly March 8, 2018

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Sexual Atheist

Someone who doesn't believe that they'll ever get laid.

I've never been able to pull anyone, so I might as well become a Sexual Atheist.

by LeUrbanDefiner September 24, 2015

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snoova sexual

A straight man who participate in gay sex and intimacies but consider himself 100% straight.

Hey yo boy is a snoova sexual Bro, you know he be banging all his homies, team members,and close homeboys.

by March 27, 2021

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