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Bum Drunk Parade

When you get so drunk it is obvious to people around you that you will permit anal sex if propositioned

Joan "Check out those completely pissed girls"

Karl "Bum Drunk Parade"

by laurab193 May 8, 2011

Beat and Bum

That act of one male beating up and then bumming (entering anally) another man to teach him a lesson, and to humiliate them. It is not something one would wish to have done to them and usually happens as punishment of podophiles and such.

"I'm going to give that nonce a beat and bum"
"That awful man needs a good beat and bum"

by Hawt Tamale June 23, 2023

Bum rush

When you bum rush someone, it means you ambush them using an unfair combat advantage. A lot of the other definitions list it specifically as charging someone and bodyslamming them into a solid wall, which is applicable because it's total bullshit and usually catches the victim off guard. Other examples include (but are not limited to) attacking someone from behind by sprinting at them and landing a tackle, ganging up on someone and beating them to the ground with superior numbers, or hitting someone with a sucker punch while they're distracted fighting someone else. This is also a tactic in the board game risk, but in this case it consists of plopping down all your armies in one previously weakly defended country and defeating the surrounding countries (usually defended by only 1 or two armies) by spam attacking and having your opponent be unfortunate enough to roll a 1 every goddamn time and lose half their territories. Smash and grab robberies could be considered another example, as a mob of people obscure their faces, run into a store, grab whatever they can, and dash out in the blink of an eye, using their superior numbers to overwhelm store security and staff and to make it harder to uncover an individual suspect's identity. Bum rushing comes from the fact that these tactics are often seen as cheap or low of someone to use, which makes them a bum for having to use them instead of a fair fight.

Example 1: I almost got killed yesterday. This dude freaking bum rushed me and stole my wallet after pistol whipping me out of nowhere with his gun.

Example 2: "I've got his legs! Break both his arms with the bat while guy 3 hits him in the nuts with his golf club!"

Jack thought he had found the ultimate spot to survive in tf2 zombies but his posse was quickly wiped out thanks to the zombie medics bum rushing them by spamming taunt heals and taunt kills by the doorway until the other medics were able to make a breakthrough and swarm the room.

by Suckmytoes_77 December 30, 2023

Bum Rush

A verb that defines Rushing in with your ass as an attack mechanism

M(1): Yo, How’d you get out there alive?
M(2): I bum rushed them til they fell unconsious

by GoldExperienceRaphtalia December 14, 2020

Bum trap

A place that’s just downright dirty and disgusting. Also they may trap drugs there.

Oh, this place is a bum trap. Let’s get out of this hellhole

by Dirtyallycat March 21, 2024

one up the bum, no harm done

A failed 2011 slogan created for Marie Stopes International by comedy music band The Midnight Beast, promoted with a catchy music video. 'One up the bum and it's no harm done, one up the bum and you won't be a mum."

Not reliable advice as there is a risk of "splash conception" (where semen is spilled into the vagina from the anus) and the risk of a sexually transmitted infection is as high or substantially higher compared to any other sexual act.

Enjoy your AIDS.

"One up the fanny and your mum's a granny" so instead you try kinky bum sex, hoping to avoid pregnancy?

The "one up the bum, no harm done" assumption is not a good idea. Where do you think lawyers come from?

by bitchuck September 5, 2024

Bum beater

But beater is an expression that describes someone who has a very active anal sex life

They may enjoy anal more than typical penitration

Marcus was going up my arse all night he is such a bum beater

by Fannyfiddler2.0 January 4, 2022