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Caked up

The top definitions are wrong. Caked up either refers to:

1) Someone who has put too much makeup on their face, especially a concealer.
2) Being full from eating too much.

Has nothing to do with ass.

1) Amber went a little overboard with the makeup and her face was all caked up.
2) Timmy was all caked up after Thanksgiving dinner.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian July 13, 2021

Caked up

Having nicely make up on

Wow girl u look dolled up/caked up ready to hit the scene..

by 7heaven July 28, 2023

Caked up

When someone’s bootylicous

Girl 2“Damn why are the boys in my class more Caked up than me”

Girl 2:“I don’t know it’s kinda sad”

by CrazyCh1ck September 11, 2023

caked up

its when you when the cake when youre eating the when you cake when youre eating a slice of cake and it gets all over and youre all caked up because you the cake went all over the place because youre eating cake

damn, im all caked up now.

by dingablongo October 25, 2023

Chocumlate Cake

Were a man has diaharrea and shits in a womans pusy, creampies her and eats it up

I just made a chocumlate cake with youre mom

by Bahanadad January 14, 2022

Caked it

Irish slang commonly used when one has too much to drink (or drugs) and gets sick or has Ill affects of having too much. Also used if you try something and fail

1.”did you see john at the party last night, he absolutely caked it and we had to bring him home”

2.Person 1: how did you get on in that test
Person 2: so bad I absolutely caked it

by Buckers123 December 4, 2018

Christ Cakes

Not unlike Deuteronomy, cow patties or cow cakes, Christ Cakes are whatever they are.

"What is your opinion on walking with the lord through cow patties & stuff? Cow cakes? Christ cakes? Whatever? The answer is to be found in Deuteronomy."

by ANOTHERDEADROMEO February 27, 2023