March 28 is the day were all the hottest and cutest guys are born . If you’re born on this day you are the luckiest person on earth girls that are born on this day are OK but the boys are so cute!!! If you were a boy born on this day you have the hottest girlfriend. If your looking this up it’s probably your birthday or your friends
Girl 1: he’s so hot
Girl 2: yeah, he was born on March 28th
Girl 1: that makes sense
5👍 4👎
Today is national no homework day!!!
Teacher:Why didn’t you do your homework? You: It’s August 28 so that means it’s no homework day!!!
National steal your tall friends dog
"Hey do you know where my dog is?"
"When did it go missing"
"May 28"
"Oh I stole it"
28 June is national HALAL day.
No pork eating is allowed on this day or any other haram activities.
stop eating pork its 28 June idot
Nov 28 is for riding around with your favorite people and listening to music
Hey! It’s nov 28, let’s go have some fun!
Step on your girlfriends toes day
October 28 step on your girlfriends toes