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Alphabet Party

A large gathering of the three lettered federal law enforcement agencies. I.E. ATF, UMS, DEA, HSI, ICE, CBP, etc….

What’s with all the unmarked police cars?” “Didn't you know there was an Alphabet Party going on tonight?”

by JBTM95 October 25, 2022

The Stinking Alphabet

The Stinking AlphabetVerbSexual Act: An Act Just Like The Spinning Alphabet But The Hole In Question Is Anal.

"Dude! After I gave your mom The Spinning Alphabet, I gave your dad The Stinking Alphabet.

by Jackie Estacadoe March 30, 2023

alphabet backward

Almost everybody knows the alphabet forward. But do you also know it backward? Not yet? Here is it:

Friend: Hey, do you know the alphabet backward.
Friend: Wow, that is really cool!

by Sett August 14, 2017

alphabetical umpire

bumpire: Someone who monitors da activities of moochers and vagrants, uneven surfaces, or people's posteriors
cumpire: Someone who monitors a virile stud's sperm-production
dumpire: Someone who monitors da bulk-offloading of material
dumbpire: Someone who monitors stupid people and/or actions
fumpire: Someone who monitors what da castle-atop-da-beanstalk-dwelling giant said regarding British hemoglobin

gumpire: Someone who monitors Violet Beauregarde's favorite dental-exercising substance
humpire: Someone who monitors others' tune-carrying abilities, or da droning din of power-transformers and/or minuscule rapidly-flapping birds
jumpire: Someone who monitors others' pogo-stick-type leg-actions
lumpire: Someone who monitors Abner Peabody's best buddy, or abnormal bulges
mumpire: Someone who monitors child-bearing females, others' abilities to invoke da Fifth Amendment, or painful jaw-swelling

Other examples of alphabetical umpires include:
numbpire: Someone who monitors da effectiveness of an anesthetic
pumpire: Someone who monitors fluid-locomotion devices
rumpire: Someone who monitors strong drink or da jiggling of other people's behinds
sumpire: Someone who monitors addition-example solutions or overflow-containment devices
tumpire: Someone who monitors da health of others' stomachs

by QuacksO April 15, 2021

alphabet pearl

Well you're going down on a girl, with your tongue spell the alphabet on here clit

You got to hit her with that alphabet pearl bro

by Alphabet Pearl March 13, 2016

alphabetical estimates

bestimate: Da closest-to-reality guess you can make regarding probable cost, amount, etc.

blestimate: An approximate guess of how much divine intervention you're likely to need from "Da Great One" to get you outta a debacle.
breastimate: What you make about da size or other attributes of a gal's ta-ta's just by looking at how far her blouse or bikini sticks out in da front.
guestimate: What da maitre'd needs to be good at making so as to know how many places to set at da table.

jestimate: What you fervently hope a contractor is making when he quotes you some astronomical figure.
Pestimate: Refers to either (1) about how many unwanted creatures dat you think currently are or will be present in a given locale at a certain time, or (2) how bratty you expect day some whiny spoiled ankle-biter will act on a particular occasion.
Restimate: Approximately how long you'll be able to crash before tackling some arduous/unpleasant task.
Testimate: A good guess regarding how long, difficult, etc. dat an upcoming exam is gonna be.
Vestimate: Da possible attributes, quality, style, etc. of a sleeveless upper-body garment.
Westimate: What you hafta do when navigating without a compass.
Yestimate: How positively someone is likely to react when asked for permission, favors, etc.
Zestimate: How enthusiastic someone is likely to be about a situation, undertaking, etc.

I suppose dat alphabetical estimates are fun too think about, but it's always wise to have a better idea regarding something important than just a ballpark guess.

by QuacksO December 17, 2020

alphabetical attributes

BATtributes: Details of either a wooden baseball-whacker, or a flying cave-dweller.
CATtributes: Da specifics of Mr. Furry-Purry.
DATtributes: Da performance-specs of 21st-century audio-recording.
FATtributes: How overweight someone is, and whether it's due to overeating, junk food, or a medial condition.
GATTributes: Details of da infamous international-commerce accord which was much-frowned-upon by many countries.
HATtributes: Da appearance, fit, and quality of head-wear.
KATtributes: Da ingredients, size/weight, and texture/taste of da famous red-wrapped candy-bar.
LATTE-ributes: How good your cup of milky espresso was.
MATTE-ributes: Details of a non-glossy painting.

Other examples of alphabetical attributes are:
NATtributes: Da appearance and personality of Daniel McCormick's pint-sized side-kick in "Forever Young".
PATtributes: Da dimensions of a slab of butter, Trish's particular qualities, or da delightfulness-level of gentle palm-bounces on someone's shoulder or head.

RATtributes: Da anatomical details of everyone's least-favorite rodent.
SATtributes: How someone rests on his butt, or da perceived difficulty/fairness of school-exams.
TATtributes: How Madea defines her temper-management issues ("I'm not angry; I'm just gettin' da gotters!")
VATtributes: Details regarding a large laboratory-basin.
WATTributes: Da voltage and current of da "angry pixies" in an electrical circuit.

by QuacksO February 24, 2021