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Filthy Pirate

Performing rough drunken anal sex with your partner's g-string or bloomers on your head, with a portion of material covering one eye. Filthy Pirate is often accompanied by a exuberant grunting "ARrrgh!" when you climax. The Filthy Pirate + is achieved by attempting the maneuver with your pet parrot. Extra points are awarded for completing this act on a boat, even more if at sea. Additional bonus points gained if bird talks during act, walks on partner, or eliminates on either party.

You could always count on ol' Jimmy to find a willing victim at the annual Columbus Day Festival, to embark on a filthy pirate with. It was a banner year when he brought along Arthur, his African Grey, to add to the "yarring" good fun. "Thar she blows, thar she blows... Squalk! Squalk!"

by RocketJohn June 26, 2007

39๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

sticky pirate

the act of cumming in the eye, then kicking in one of the legs. Causing them to cover ones eye with the hand and hop on one leg.

The bitch had sex with my brother so i gave her a sticky pirate

by Joe Pray August 17, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Creamy Pirate

When a woman is giving a man oral pleasure then he pulls out and comes in her eye. Then when she's getting up he kicks her in the shin. So she's hopping around on one leg with one eye closed, mumbling and cursing. Hence the creamy pirate...

by Roostafy April 22, 2003

117๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Butt Pirate

A man who enjoys anal sex, akin to a Rump Raider or a Bum Ninja. This term is often associated with gay porn stars.

The butt pirate enjoyed giving the cabin boy the plank.

by T. J. May 23, 2003

1646๐Ÿ‘ 558๐Ÿ‘Ž

cereal pirate

1. A pirate who menacingly sneaks through walmart at night messing up all of the cereal boxes, changing their order, and damaging packaging; resulting in the constant disarray that is the walmart cereal aisle.

2. A person who is quite rude and possibly improper, with little intelligence.

1. Those cereal pirates dented this box of Cocoa Puffs!
2. Man, she's such a cereal pirate. I can't believe she farted in front of your parents.

by argh! April 12, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Angry Pirate

When a chick is giving you head and you pull out and blow it in her face, then you hit her in the knee and she is jumping around covering one eye.

That chick made me mad so i pulled the angry pirate on her!

by arrick January 17, 2006

1154๐Ÿ‘ 391๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pirates of the Carribean

You spelt it wrong.

See Pirates of the Caribbean.

Great, you memorized the movie. Now work on learning how to spell Caribbean.

by Saiyara January 3, 2004

314๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž