Source Code

A-level physics

Suicide in the form of a lesson. If you take this A-level you are pretty dumb

Annabelle decided to take A-level physics than be happy

by Tabletenis91210 May 16, 2021

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Level 0

The very first level of the backrooms. This usually the first level you access when you noclip out of reality and enter the backrooms. This level resembles the typical backrooms impression, with mono yellow, flourescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and moist yellow carpet. To exit, you can find a fire exit to get to Level 1.

*me entering the backrooms for the first time* This place really stinks! There is moist yellow carpet, old yellow wallpaper, I think I am in Level 0. Hope I didn't spawn near some beings...

by A dying goat July 30, 2020

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Level Jenny

1. (Noun) Any person who is predispostitioned to success throughout their entire life, such as the Head Cheerleader or the Captain of the high school football team.

2. (Verb) The act of breezing through life without any problems at all, as if leading a charmed existence.

Word comes from the odds that any girl named "Jenny" will always get a free ride through life, running straight and level to happiness.

1. The Prom King was a complete Level Jenny, and the Junior Vice President job with his Father's company was just waiting for him after graduation.

2. The cute blonde Level Jennied her way through life, and capped it by becoming a trophy wife to a rich oil executive.

by Stubblecat July 17, 2006

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Garrison Level

The point where the volume from any given audible source (i.e. music, movie, television show, etc.) reaches and/or exceeds an acceptable level for enjoyment and is indeed no longer enjoyable by anyone.

Yeah, it was real relaxed upstairs at 20th last night until the movie reached Garrison Level.

Dude, turn that music down, we're approaching Garrison Level here, I like having eardrums.

by slickwillypie May 5, 2010

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Level 65

Used for when you are absolutely stuck with no way of progressing any further towards reaching your goal or completing a certain task. When you can't see a way forward and despite hours of frustration.

Named after the hardest level on the popular mobile game, Candy Crush. Level 65 is the first great stumbling point on the epic journey through over 300+ levels. None are more difficult than the time stealing, money making, gamer killer - level 65 - just ask the many millions of players worldwide that are currently stuck on this level.

Guy 1: "I've been working on this project for the last two weeks but I just can't get my head around this one section, I've tried so many things and I just can't get past it! - I'm about to give up"

Guy 2: "Level 65 right there..."

by candycrushed June 11, 2013

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Power Levels

Levels that are usually over nine thousand.

When asked about power levels the only correct response would be to say that they are over nine thousand... screaming.

Veggetta what does it say about his power levels?

Their over NINETHOUSAND!!!

by werdnA nagrenoL May 4, 2009

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At C Level

Noun (place).

Definition: Where you'd be if you were administering fellatio or cunnilingus (aka "oral treats").

"Whilst receiving oral treats, it's good form not to fart while the giver is at C Level."

by Maven April 16, 2004

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