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as seen on myspace and malls across america,
your typical scene kid should:
*always look gorgeous
*have at least 109357393 friends on myspace
*love Jeffrey Star, Hanna Beth, Zui Suicide, etc.
*wear skinny jeans
*go to local shows
*be rail thin
*wear massive amounts of makeup (guy or girl)
*have tattoos
*have piercings (snakebites, septum, etc)
*cut/dye their own hair
*have extensions
*think they're more hXc than anyone
*call themself RISSA_REVENGE or TYLER_TERROR, etc.
*never look at the camera

the scene started out as likable and cute, but has now blown way out of proportion. it started out with people who wanted to be different, but now they're all the same.

SUP NiiGG4 iiM SUP3RSC3N3. ii G0 2 SH0WS 4LL TH4 TiiM3 4ND ii W34R T0N5 0F M4C M4K3UP. L0L KTHXBAI

by SUPERflyMOFO February 7, 2008

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Currently, a popular trend or stereotype.
Majorly based on teenaged lifestyle and to be "SCENE" you must conform to the following things:-

- With usually a tweaked default layout
- Having graphics such as diamonds, Gloomy Bear or guns in your About Me section
- Having over a thousand MySpace friends
- Being part of all the elite perfection groups. (Eg. Perfection Dolls)
- Having dozens of majorly photoshoped photos of yourself
- Your MySpace display name consisting of your amount of friends, perfection groups and some lame "Scene name". Eg- Chris Chaos {VIP/PD/AP} {10.5k+}

- MUST have "mullet" like or "choppy" hair with either a block or side fringe and having random fluro colours in your hair, with extensions. Hair must have LOTS of volume and create a BIG effect.
- Usually hair is accessoried with a million hair clips, bows or headbands worn around the middle section of your forehead
- Wears bright neon eyeshadow with fake eyelashes and an over load of blush. Or outlines eyes with eyeliner to give an "Asian eyed" look.
- Wears skinny leg jeans in either black or bright colours with 2+ studded belts or suspenders. Also must have childish bags with either vintage or band t-shirts and an overdose of jewellery. Wears either converse, vans or flats.
- Usually has a septum or monroe piercing.

- Hair is usually "emo like" but choppy. Can be spiked up or worn down. Usually top of male's hair is spiked. Multiple colours for guys are optional.
- Bandanas are usually worn around the head, wrist and placed in their pocket.
- Usually has snakebites.
- Males too, wear tight jeans (Usually black in colour) with a studded blet. Band t-shirts are a must, same with either vans or converse.
- Ears are usually stretched.
- "Gangsta" hats worn with "Gangsta" hoodies are a must wear too.

- Any metal band. Drop Dead, Gorgeous or The Devil Wears Prada are common favoured metal bands. "Scene Kids" are always craving music.
- Guns, Gloomy Bear, Hello Kitty, Diamonds, Knucklebusters, Blood, Grunge are examples of what a typical Scene Kid's interests are. These things usually appear in Scene Kid's photos and are placed everywhere on their MySpace page.
- Must own a Sidekick
- Celebrities such as Audrey Kitching and Jeffree Star are examples of celebrities that Scene Kids truly admire. Comments are usually posted on these celebrities' MySpace pages sayings things such as - "OMG, I LOVE YOU! YOU'RE MY HERO! REPLY BACK!""

..And I think you get the point.
Scene Kids aren't that complicated as they all seem to copy one off another yet what amuses me is they all claim to be "original", yet they clearly are not.

Examples of Scenesters:
Audrey Kitching, Jeffree Star, Lauren Watts, Geoffrey Paris, Hannah Beth, Gregory Von James, Izzy Hilton, DaniiGore, Kiki Kannibal, Dakota Rose... blah blah blah.

by Glamourcide November 24, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


For anyone who reads this and is offended, i don't mean to be so rude. I dress the same as the scene kids, it's the way they act all stuck-up that really pisses me off. They ned to get over themselves, really!

how do you describe the scene? I dress alternatively, and thus am dubbed to be an Emo kid. Obviously, if you are Emo and not part of the scene, you aren't 'cool' and you're a 'poser'. It's just bullshit. You must like the same music as them, like A Heartwell Ending (who don't have a definition as of yet =( ), Alkaline Trio, Story of the Year (<3who are coming to brisbane in may! and i'm going! YES! can't wait ^_^)and Funeral for a Friend. If they don't know you, you are a n00b, even though i have been going to the city for longer than any of the scene kids. I'm friends with the scene, but i don't want to be part of them. if you go around and talk to a lot of scene kids, you will realise they all used to be gangstuurs. That's because back then, gangstuur was cool, and now it's emo. as soon as it goes out of style, the scene will all piss off and join whatever is the next new fad. it's just like the gangstuur era too, only with different clothes and music. Here are the similarities:
-Scene kids fight with other scenes, like gang warfare.
-They carry guns, only plastic ones
-they wear bandannas
-they talk in thug speak
-they pick on others not like them
-they have particular music you must like
-they have 'cool' areas and 'lame' areas

typical scene kid speak: OMG! did you see those n00bs? i didn't see them at the Coheed and Cambria gig, which is totally the IN place! what posers! <333 xox

by the dog dies 10 years ago you stupid PISS! YOU'RE JUST A STUPID PISS! April 3, 2006

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scene is about...

(1)becoming anorexic so you can fit into your size 00 abercrombie jeans....

(2)seeing how many colors you can dye your hair before you look like a slogan for gay pride...

(3)dancing like a retard getting chased by a swarm of bees....

(4)listening to screaming whiney bands where you cant even understand the words because the band sucks...

(5)going to as many whiney shows as possible to show off all your peircings, your multi-colored scene hair, and show off how "hip" you are... as if anyone cares?

(6)buying clothes that dont fit right to show off your anorexia (but of course you dont tell other anorexics that! you're naturally skinny!)

(7)getting so many peircings you look like fucking frankenstein

whiney scenester: ok so i have my hair dyed black, with random spots of pink, purple, yellow, and red. just got my lip peirced (snake bites) along with my already peirced eyebrow, nose, and tongue. finally i have my outfit all picked out: size 00 jeans from hollister, size XS chariot shirt (because they're so SxC), vans with the squares, and black eyeliner...

ok im ready for the show tonight!
now lets go take some cool myspace pix then leave a bulletin before the show.


by SCHUKLE March 19, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most popular definitions need to be updated a little bit. Because at this point in time october 2007 thats more like a wannabe scene kid/emo kid.
And I don't like labels too much, but come on. Don't pretend you don't do it.

I don't care what the roots are of scene, this is UrbanDictionary, and we're concerned about modern shit not going back ten years.
Scene kids are rich. Or they might not be rich, it doesn't matter. They buy exspensive shit and still look like trash.
You pay money to look like dirt when you're a scene kid. And yes, its stylish. Whether you like it or not. I really don't get why its so wonderful to look trashy.
Not all scene kids are trashy. Some of them are just Urban Outfitter whores and seem trashy, but thats just fashion and they look more like bums than trash.
And even then there's some who don't look like bums or trashy. Its a very narrow yet broad spectrum.
And thats just their clothes.
Usually a scene girls hair is long underneath and very big and layered on top. Some examples of this are Mother Fucking Aly and Amor Hilton. While Aly's hair is poofy and big on top its not like Amor's, which almost looks like a rats nest, but in a good way.
Typical scene boy hair is about shoulder length, and very smooth and shiny. Some use product, some don't, but almost all scene kids straighten their hair. And if they don't, they must have some bomb ass hair to pull of not straightening it.
Now to the most key things in a scene kids existence: their myspace. There are not a million graphics, there are no links to graphics sites; they either do it themselves or have other people do it. Very clean cut, nice and put together. Usually have comment, message and add buttons and contact table is hidden along with their extended network box, blogs, and song. Some have their friends and comments hidden, others don't. Some opt to just show their friend and comment count.
Camera phone pictures are okay as long as you're hot.
High quality picture are preffered, photoshopped or not. Medium quality are alright as long as they're highly photoshopped.
Headbands, cigarettes, brass knuckles, diamond and bat necklaces, gloomy bear, hello kitty or any other sanrio character, and recently weight lifter things are popular in pictures. Just make is scene, make it work.
If you're a girl, you are basically required to have raccoon eyes. If you don't, you better have at least some makeup on. And fake eyelashes. When you look down, it better look like a damn box. Monroe and septum piercings are ideal for you, as well as angel bites. Gauges are welcome, but too big and you just look trashy. Too small and you look like a pussy.
Boys usually will wear some form of makeup, whether its foundation or a little bit of eyeliner. Their ears better be stretched to at least 5/8 of and inch, and if they aren't they shouldn't be pierced at all. Monroe, septum, snake bites, spider bite, bridge and middle lip piercings are the best for boys. Don't do overkill though, its ugly.
And sidekicks. The Sidekick is a scene kids best friend. Now more available because of the new Sidekick iD which is much cheaper than the D-Wade SK or the SK3, a SK is key in your scene being. What would you do without being able to text David Dior at the Bring Me The Horizon concert which you go to a lot, shows are also your best friend. Useful for networking with fellow scene kids and check your MySpace on the go? Nothing, thats what.
You don't always have to be a bitch, but you must be confident. If you aren't, you are not a scene kid, and you lose at life.
YOU NEED TO KNOW PEOPLE ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Scene kids have a very wide network, and have often never even met their best friend who lives five thousand miles away. If you are a scene kid, you have a best friend in a different state or country. They'll probably never meet this person.


Ew look at her septum it has boogers on it, what a failure scene kid.
Yeah I know. And her monroe has scabs around it.
Ew. What a dirty.

by phitface October 14, 2007

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To use photoshop so much that you are commonly talked about as the flawless pink/orange blob

"Omg, did you see Kelly's pic?!?!"
"YES! I'm so jealous of her hxc photoshop skills"
"Me too! She looks great in green all over"

by icky bicky boo July 25, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A style whose origin no one is sure of. Probably begain in the late eighties to early ninties (of cource, at that time, they were not labeled as scene). The 'scene' itself refers to the 'music scene'. In recent times, mostly since the dawn of Myspace onto our generation, the style itself spawned into quite a craze. Most everyone tries to be scene in one way or another, but might not realize it. The real scene kids are almost non-existant anymore. Now, it is a large clique of bitchy fifteen year old girls and their boyfriends, who are usually afraid to stand up to their girls, because they don't want to mess up their hair. Scene girls have short, razored, choppy hair that is uneven because they cut it themselves. God forbid someone else interpret who you are by cutting such a precious thing to you as your hair. They usually wear extremely tight, peg leg, or skinny jeans, and even tighter shirts. They wear obnoxious patterns, mostly polka dots, stripes, or dinosaurs/robots. They also usually wear tacky jewlery and hair accessories that were meant to be worn by little girls. Ballet flats are a must. Horn rimmed glasses, also, but you better hope someone doesn't mistake you for emo. They take myspace pictures from oh-so-flattering angles in which you can only see approximately 1/5th of their faces. The part of their face you CAN see usually makes them look very xxtuff. They wear way too much makeup, mostly consisting of thick, chunky black eyeliner and brightly colored eye-smudge or eye shadow that should have been abandoned in approximately 1982. Scene girls own the most enormous sunglasses imaginable. The bigger the better. They claim to be original. To call a scene kid original is to give them the best compliment in the world. Scene boys generally have greasy, unkempt black hair, with or without blonde highlights. They wear extremely tight jeans, and extremely tight band shirts for bands they either haven't heard of, or heard one of their songs once and MAN WERE THEY HxC. They usually have a snake bite, or talk about getting one often. Both species share their love for the scene and their originality on their myspaces. They usually have skinny, simple layouts in which they reveal only enough information for you to know how scene they are. Their myspace display names almost always have brackets in them. Usually these brackets contain something clever and thought up between a group of scene friends, to represent their love for each other and their sceneness. Some such examples being: "GLMRT", "NCCAxCORE", "FCKN FGT", "DONT FRGET ME", "ON VCTN TILL THE FFTH", "LV ME SOME LVN", etc, etc. They ONLY listen to so called 'underground' bands, and they get very upset when such a band becomes mainstream. Trends involving the scene usually get started on myspace, and end on myspace. Scene kids do not like vowels. They type in obnoxious and totally unneccessary abbreviations that make even the simplest statements hard to follow, such as: bby, fck, fckn, fgt, attn, and kthxbi. A remarkable number of scene boys are bisexual. My question is, is it a trend, or is something in the water? Not that there is anything wrong with being bisexual, but in the last year or so I have noticed the number of people I know that are bisexual at least quadrupeled. And I avoid associating myself with scene kids. Scene kids love to start myspace wars. That way they can show off how xtuff they are without actually having to fight anyone. Because they know they would lose. Its like being a tease, except instead of sex, its with empty threats. While in recent times, many scene kids smoked weed and ciggerettes, the new thing is straight edge. Most scene kids have now proclaimed their straight edgedness proudly in the last few months. This trend is now fading with the realization of its mainstreamness. Another obvious trait of a scene kid is his or her love for using x's in their screennames and typing in general. Many have terribly original screennames like xxLOST MF LOVE, and GUNtoMyHexxD. xCore was a favorite of theirs until they figured out that everyone was using it to make fun of them. Majority of scene girls are really valley girls that think they're hardcore. All scene kids like all scene kids. They might secretly hate another fellow scenester, but can't say it, because for some reason all of the little scene girls seem to feel an urge to flock with their own type. Go to any scene girl (or guy, for that matter)'s myspace, and if they have a top eight, which they probably won't, because they have so many friends they just couldn't choose who was cool enough to be on their top eight, look at the default pictures for all those on this sacred gathering of friends. I guarentee you they all look very similar. Cloning? No. Its the scene.

Lyke OMGZ. That fckn jrk thnks he can mss wth my bby. I ran out of hrspry. Omgz. My bby's fckn fghtng smne ovr <3<3<3<3MYSPACE<3<3<3<3. Lyke Chrstna, do you fckn wnna join and btch ths fkr out ovr <3<3<3<3MYSPACE<3<3<3<3 to lyke hlp my bby? Wait, h//o;;. I gtta tke sm pcs of me fr my <3<3<3<3MYSPACE<3<3<3<3. Fckn dnt go, u fckn hoe. cuntxxcore. I fckn lv yu. I mst be scn. <scene kid, attempting to talk.

by OMFCKNGDxxCORE July 17, 2006

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