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Secondhand Tan

The act of receiving a tan by being next to or near a "tanorexic" or over tanned individual.

Don't go near Nancy she's been tanning you don't want to get a secondhand tan.

by cowchown April 13, 2010

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Boot tan

When you go hiking and only tan the area of leg above your hiking boots and/or socks, leaving half your calves and both your feet incredibly pale, while the rest of your leg is dark brown. Very unnatractive. Often noticable on th legs of teenagers doing their Duke of Edinburgh.

Georgie, Ashley and Sophia came back from DOE with hideous boot tan, then had to wear posh dresses the next for a picnic. Everyone laughed at them and their boot tans.

by yakuzakitty July 19, 2009

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Redhead tan


You can tell she's been out in the sun too long, she's got a redhead tan going on!

by GinjaNinja99 February 20, 2014

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Tan [mdpv]

A variant of mdpv created by John Mcafee the creator of mcafee antivirus.

Tan, also known as "super perv powder" makes you extremely horny and paranoid. It was created around 2012 after mcafee moved to Belize to presumably escape legal troubles and to develop a drug with 31 year old ethnobotanist Allison Addonizio called quorumex. He posted about his findings on a popular drug forum called Bluelight.ru under the username Stuffmonger.

Sources: "John McAfee: The Craziest Man In Tech (Part 2/4)" on youtube and the tan thread on Bluelight.ru

Examples of Tan mdpv being talked about in a sentence by John Mcaffee are as follows:

"Measure your dose, apply a small amount of saliva to just the tip of your middle finger, press it against the dose, insert. You will be well rewarded."

"I will not, anymore, let anyone on Tan be alone with my dogs for example. (I have 14 dogs). Twice in the past year Tan users (one man, one woman - both after major massive doses, to be fair), attempted to have sex with one of my dogs."

by Pee Doge January 5, 2021

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rain tan

The dry areas on your clothes or body after being outside in the rain. Primarily refers to the area underneath a rain coat, but a rain tan can also be achieved under an umbrella on a particularly windy day.

Similar to the phenomenon of a farmer's tan, but with rain rather than sun.

Jack: How come your pants and shoes are all wet, but your shirt is dry?

Rachel: I just came in from the rain and took off my rain coat. This is what you call a rain tan.

by Radddish March 24, 2010

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Tan Fine

A female that has that "sunny tan complexion and also "GORGEOUS" IN THE FACE is considered TAN FINE..

Tan Fine
a Gorgeous female that has beautiful skin tone and posseses features of a Queen

Independent classy college educated fun likes to party keep herself up to par with all the latest trends and sets her own...

group of college females getting ready for spring break probably wouldnt want to go to panama or Cancun without a nice tan correct???? so they probably are spending their time getting "tan fine" for the occassion.

To ladies with the North Face I phone Blackberry
love those Ug Boots whats up?

ex. of some "tan fine" femalesmegan fox megan good Shiraz Tal nia long

Adriana Lima gabrielle union keri hilson beyonce a keys

by IAM_D-u-B July 25, 2010

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transit tan

a tan you gain while driving a transit van

when on the vinylresin.tk tour they gained a transit tan

by Vicky May 23, 2004

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