a french bag of shit you put on the porch of your uncles distant relative and set alight.
I stepped on a douche bag while throwing a nude photo at my ex
1)He is suchhhh a douche bag.
2) Wow. What a douche bag.
3) Guy: Get out of my seat!
Girl: You're names not on it..oh wait, it actually does say douche bag. My bad.
People who act like they know everything
Man all these people are douche bags
a boy in seventh grade in texas named Gray Ballweg. he decided to ask his girlfriend for n00des and then she said no so he dumped her. THAT'S WHAT DOUCHEBAGS DO!
Dang girl that kid Gray is such a douche bag. He used his girlfriend for n00des. Ew.
a complete moron that knows everything about nothing. all talk, pats himself on the back and takes credit for something he cannot do. one so full of himself and doesn't even realize it. insults other peoples intellect
My ex-boss Bruce Brower jr. Of Brower Plumbing and Heating of Trenton NJ is one of the biggest Douche bags known to man. Pretends to be connected with the Italian mob. Wears wife beater t-shirts and talks down to women. Lifts weights for his arms only with skinny legs. Pretends to know everything and threatens people with his famous words of "don't let me catch you on the street" total clown
A douche bag is a variant of your standard asshole in that he is an asshole, but there is something that you actually envy about him or his lifestyle.
You get cut off by an asshole in a Hummer and notice his smoking hot trophy wife. This moves him form asshole to douche bag.
Word originated in Hamilton, from an Indian man named Azeem Patel. Legend suggests he was a natural asshole, and his personality was so cocky and rude, the people around him had to invent a new word to describe it.
You're almost a big a douche bag as Azeem Patel!