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Peter Griffin Eyes

When you slightly squint your eyes at somebody because you know they're lying.

When my boyfriend said he just woke up, but I seen that he was on Facebook 23 minutes ago...I gave him the Peter Griffin Eyes.

by Vagabond Child #Vibe July 25, 2014

old brown eye

A rectum. Especially a poorly wiped one.

She has beautiful brown eyes.. and a great old brown eye.

by MYG November 24, 2013

eye-to-bag ratio

Eye-to-bag ratio, symbol ξ, is defined such that

ξ = h(eye)/h(eye bag) = k*beauty

where h is a function of height,
h(eye) is the height of an individual's open eye,
h(eye bag) is the visible height of the eye bag, and

k is a nonzero arbitrary constant. Rearranging the equation gives:

beauty ∝ξ

Evidence suggests that when
- h(eye) is high and/or
- h(eye bag) is low,
ξ (eye-to-bag ratio) is large and thus, under a constant k condition, beauty of the individual yielding the calculated ξ is also large.

by hoz0r July 23, 2010

red eye trip

when you party so motherfuckin hard and stay up all night so your eyes turn red

I had a red eye trip last night

by dabgirl72 August 30, 2021

Shut Your Eye

Substitute of Shut the fuck up your so fucking annoying! Used for when they are so annoying and they keep talking to you even if you dont want to talk.

Yeah, so I broke up with my boy coz hes too cute and bla bla bla....!

Shut your eye Pamela!!!

by lovelycupcake October 12, 2011

Seven inch eyes

Those pained squints you get when inch number seven is introduced

Bro you wouldn't believe the seven inch eyes when I finished inserting

by Dr Hammer February 4, 2022

Hair Covering The Eyes

My personal definition of bangs - Uriel 2017

I don't like saying the word bangs, I rather say hair covering the eyes

by Drhymen September 13, 2017