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birthday envy

The feeling a child (or immature adult) gets when it's somebody elses birthday and not their own.

(Personally, I'm good as long as I still get cake and ice cream.)

Girl 1: "I can't wait until Monica sees what I bought for her birthday...what did you get her?"

Girl 2: "I'm not goin' to that stupid party! I wish it was my birthday!" (stomps off)

Girl 1: "Wow...talk about birthday envy."

by B. Robinson May 10, 2007

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Reverse Birthday

A sex position in which the male re-creates his birth and rubs his head on a woman's clitoris.

I've got major chafing down there from John's hair when he did the reverse birthday on me yesterday.

by SMAK418 September 24, 2009

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I’m birthday

Used when trying to express that you are a birthday. Another way to say that you love birthdays; without actually having to say it. Sometimes misheard: β€˜I’m gay,’ but you need to get your ears checked. They did not say β€˜I’m gay,’ they clearly said β€˜I’m birthday.’

β€œI’m birthday, it’s pretty unfortunate isn’t it, Eleanor?”

by lourocksteady May 1, 2021

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Merry Birthday

What one says when they are giving someone something (either a real gift or trash) on any day that is not their birthday or a holiday.

Merry Birthday, I got us tickets to the game.

Merry Birthday! Here is my empty water bottle!

by Indigonightmare March 17, 2018

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Happy Birthday

A wish you give to someone you want to wish someone to enjoy the day of their birth, and celebrate another year of life.

Person 1: Happy birthday Emy!

by KingLobster77 August 29, 2021

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Kankakee Birthday

While having sex, you shit on your partners chest. Then stick candles in it, light them, and allow your partner to make a wish and blow them out.

I gave my girlfriend a Kankakee Birthday last night.

by Rodeo Fan 94 July 19, 2009

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Your Birthday

Your birthday is a special day where you celebrate the day you were born.
Usually with a cake and/or gifts.
If today is Your Birthday happy birthday

Lucy: hey Isabella it's your birthday! Happy Birthday
Isabella: aww thanks

by GlitchtheGamer December 21, 2019

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