To actively and uselessly sit for hours trying to come up with words to submit to the Editors at Urban Dictionary
Jim can't go to the movies because he is U-D Storming he gets at least 10 words a week accepted int Urban Dictionary.
The Group of friends decided to get together and U-D Storm after getting lit off weed.
I do my best U-D Storming when I'm drunk.
I miss my Alfie K D.Everyone needs a Alfie in their lives- when you meet him he's alr...get to know him he's unreplaceable. He'll break your heart and it's the worst heartbreak ever even if you've never dated. Copycat D always is like that. Alfie K D is funny, strong (really never tell him tho) and I miss you old Alfie. Wish you were the same. Alfie K D has a good memory.
Do you remember?
Remember what?
Ohhhhhhhh yes heehee
You must have a Alfie K D memory
When someone gains from another’s misfortune, with the intent to gain
Joe: Someone changed my name on fortnite and I can’t change it back.
Beth: I did. I’m now reservedpuma36. You just got puma-d (pumard).
A purposeful mispelling/stylizing of a rather crude word
Texter #1: Hey bro slice! Ready 4 that test 2mRO?
Texter #2: Wait, therz a test!?
Texter #1: Uh ya!
Texter #2: d@mm!t... k thnx bro! g2g!
an amazing and wonderful person. their really nice, and super funny!
they always listen and are an awesome friend to everyone
im very happy to be friends with them and i love them very much<3
-"oh yeah, you know tommy?"
yeah, tommys really cool! :D
tommy <3 :D
Da tiny safe-deposit cubby at da zip-code shop where ya always feel majorly furious every time you gotta pay da exorbitant renewal-fee every six months.
I don't see why I should hafta pay big bucks twice a year just to receive junk mail in my p.o.'d box.
Martin D Crunican is an esteemed community member in the town of Cornelius Oregon and has gained fame and respect as an auto broker/car salesman.
Martin D Crunican is the ex-husband that inspired Janet Mary Crunican’s “Flight of the Mind” regarding their 2013 divorce and year long restraining order.
Today Martin D Crunican has taken on the role of community nuisance and will commonly engage in menacing and coercion of community members. Martin had a fundamental believe that being loud equates to being respected and has no tolerance for boundaries or others autonomy.
Martin D Crunican is the ex of popular author and novelist Janet Mary Crunican-Knight.
Martin D Crunican’s behavior is poor and likely seeks and needs improvement.