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Law of 1/3rd

The ratio of people you are allowed to sleep with when drunk versus amount when sober. The drunk equivalant of sleeping with one person while sober is sleeping with three people.

Based on the Law of 1/3rd I'm not a slut, I only slept with six guys when i was drunk!

by crownman June 18, 2011




by %3Cscript%3Ealert(1)%3C%2Fscri March 27, 2019

1 week

When you get dumped by someone for a highschooler then you try and get a new boyfriend to take away the pain the you get cheated on after 1 week

Hey Richard what is 1 week

by Poopy Whoopy February 9, 2024

1 Can Man

only takes 1 alcoholic beverage to feel the the effect

have you heard about billy he’s a 1 can man

by The leaker February 4, 2025

Week 1 day 1

Originally started in prison. The 1st day of lock down is referred to as Week 1 Day 1.

Disciplinary lock downs can last up to 6 months. If 3 months into a lockdown an incident happens like an officer assault or a stabbing the lock down starts over from the beginning. “Week 1 Day 1

by RicoDeine_Fiend April 11, 2021

Silly Season (Formula 1)

A period of time (usually in the months of December and January) where drivers switch teams, usually triggered by a driver Retirment or rookie entering the sport. The term is widely used in the god forsaken F1 twitter and F1 news.

Person 1: Dawg, have you seen the Silly Season (Formula 1) this year?
Person 2: I know, shit is wild.

by KolompicF1 December 24, 2023

Silly Season (Formula 1)

The period of time (usually in the months of December and January) where drivers change teams in the sport of Formula One, with driver moves usually being big news in the Formula One community.

Person 1: Dude, have you seen this year's Silly Season (Formula 1)?
Person 2: Yeah, I know, shit is wild.

by KolompicF1 December 24, 2023