He is the most ugliest person ive ever met. ANYWAYS hes super annoying and we all wish he could die!
He plays minecraft and in love with anhad AND jay.
He also has failed all his classes and does terrible in them. (even im better)
For some reason most girls had a crush on him, not anymore since hes a bitc
"hey! whats your name :D"
"Its um, christian."
"first of all your worthless,disgusting,terrible,ugly,dumb and weird!"
christian: hey ur cute!
simon: u gay fuck!
A cute ass boy who is literally jaw dropping like ddaaayyyuuummmnnn i see you.
Hes so sweet and smart hes a Christian
sometimes nice and can sometimes keep secrets. they really want to expose you when u tell them something but they won’t do it unless u give them permission. however if u trigger them somehow, they may expose u. they like to steal ur stuff and bully u for being short. although their name is christian they cuss a lot and they’re birthday is not on christmas. their birthday is on valentine’s day.
lauren: where’d my phone go?
naomi: christian stole it
Christian is very smart, has interesting taste in girls (very religious girls), he has a crush on Jamal, he is 4ft 2, his dad Sue makes him pancakes everyday in the morning, normally has a dickhead brother who thinks he is worlds best but is small. Uncontrollable bowels which means the kid shits everywhere even on buses. But he is funny (sometimes).
Damn Stop shitting like Christian
Christian is a red neck kind of man who loves to make 11 second videos about hot wheels and somehow has 3k subs. He lived his life only to realize that his real father is Peyton Manning. Trust me, you don't need Jerry Springer to prove that. I mean have you seen his landing strip of a forehead. A man who loves to say luncheon even thought its midnight.
What are you gonna do since you won the superbowl manning?
christian is usually the friend in the group that gets all the big girls. and thinks he is the best at everything but crys at simple shit like basketball
hey christian how is your peen? (ethan the fag says)