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Poop sniff

An insult for someone who is acting stupid or weird, or a name for someone that has wickedly smelling farts or poop

Yo dude, ryan just left a massive turd in the toilet, he’s such a poop sniff

by Poopsniff300 November 18, 2019

add and sniff

The process of adding people on facebook for the sole purpose of facebook stalking. Typically adds someone for a few days then deletes/unfriends them out of curosity.

John: Dude, do you know half the people on your facebook friends list?
Dan: Naa, not really...I just add and sniff.

by cltguy86 March 8, 2011

Sniff the Biff

When one’s biff has come to a near close, and one of the boys inhales the remains to maximise “bifficiency”

“Mate this biff is out man!”

Nah mate just sniff the biff!”

by J.D.Wetherspoon November 20, 2020

sniff the stiff

When you sniff your mans dick when it’s hard

Damn bro I’m bouta go sniff the stiff

by Flick da stick January 13, 2018

National Sniff a Kayden Day

Sniff that random kid named Kayden who sits 2 seats away from you in that one class.

I always participate in National Sniff a Kayden Day. They usually smell like spaghetti.

by sniffakaydenlover May 26, 2022

Heschder sniff im piff

When someone struggles and antha one comes and asks u if everything goes right.

Daquan: „Ey Liana Heschder sniff im Piff?“

by Al Daquan April 14, 2019

Scratch N Sniff

The Scratch N Sniff is an alternative method of scratching your balls. This method requires you to cradle your balls in one hand, while you gently scratch your balls with the other. This method is one of many methods used to scratch a mans balls, one of which is the Pinch and Twist method.

Bro can i scratch your balls?

Nah bro, ive already done the Scratch N Sniff method.

by rection g hue December 16, 2022