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power walking

When people walk down the sidewalk trying to get home before they shit their pants.

I saw two people power walking down the street today. They looked like they had a turd in their pants.

by CedricDoodlehopper April 17, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Strutting around as if one can walk on water; often triggered by varsity athletic status, rowdy friends, and/or alcohol consumption. Derived as an alternate phrase for jaywalking

Police were worried about the number of accidents caused by Jesus-walking and middle-class commuters on the streets of Boulder, Colorado.

by Ellen Wagner April 12, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

walk of shame

n. the course walked home after a night of boozing and fucking. one usually wears either the clothes they went out in (eg. short skirt and heels) or the clothing of the person they slept with (eg.a large white t-shirt)the morning after and everyone notices they have the "I was fucked up last night" look and am now walking home from the guy-I- fucked's house.

"I don't remember what his face looked like and I had to do the walk of shame."
"I don't remember if the sex was good enough for the walk of shame."

by chandler December 21, 2004

1718๐Ÿ‘ 650๐Ÿ‘Ž

Phone Walk

The slow stupid walk people do while on a cell phone. You know, the walk that doesn't really take you anywhere, is absurdly slow and looks dumb?

Look at that dumbass outside pacing back and forth on his phone. He must have ADD.
This is the phone walk.

by I am Tuna Salad January 24, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit walk

The act of clenching ones butt to prevent a leak of the anus. The result of this act makes one do a speeding duck walk to the bathroom.

Dude! That guy had to use the shitter so bad he had to do the shit walk!

by Chris AKA $SPUDZ$ March 11, 2008

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walk in clinic

The Canadian version of doc in a box. A medical clinic that is usually associated with a group of general practice doctors that offer this free additional service without scheduled appointments. They offer all the basic services of an ER (stitches, shots, prescriptions, sick notes, etc. ) without the need for a hospital staff.

The dude stabbed me with a fork, I better go the walk in clinic and get a tetanus shot.

by monkey40 July 25, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Walking Finger

When you are walking with your girl down the street and you starting fingering her. It is basically fingering a girl while walking

P1- dude i didnt see you get anything from your girl 2nite
P2- haha man i pulled the walking finger

by xxGODxx August 18, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž