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screwed with a capital FUCK

Someone who really messed up.

Person 1: “Bailey are you okay?”
Person 2: “No I just let my pet fish drown, I’m screwed with a capital FUCK”

by 3gs December 17, 2021

laissez faire Capitalism

laissez faire Capitalism means buyer gets a tail-light warranty

Even modernCapitalists should be against laissez faire Capitalism

by @thedocwho2 May 13, 2019

4👍 1👎

Screwed with a capital F


Person: "Ahh I have a twenty page essay due tomorrow and I didn't even start yet!"
Other person: "Dude you are screwed with a capital F."

by Smash360 April 14, 2010

8👍 3👎

Capital "V" neck

When someone is wearing an obviously larger V neck t-shirt. Something that looks like a poncho, but not one because of that fact that it is slightly smaller than one. The name "Capital" comes from the fact that the "V" in the shirt looks awfully large to someone their size. Not very attractive, can also be as ugly as junners or skeans.

person 1: "hey look.."

person 2: "what?"

person 1: "that guys rockin a Capital "V" neck"

person 2: "Dayummmm, that's hot!!" *sarcasim*

by someonenotrockinskeans April 19, 2011

7👍 3👎

Whats the capital of Thailand


the capital of whats the capital of thailand is: bangkok *slaps dick hard*

by im a god damn ostrich November 10, 2020

5👍 1👎

special with a capital 'R'

Special with a Capital 'R' or Rspecial means a retarded person whose "special".

Especially, when that person doesn't understand the "R" part.v

person #1: "Did you see that guy over there? what's up with him?"
person #2: "Don't worry, he's special with a capital 'R'."


person #1: "How do you spell "difficult"?"
person #2: "...Are you Rspecial or something?"

by xsrykdvgyugboubm April 26, 2011

9👍 7👎

Bitch With a Capital B

Used by girls who take pride in being bitchy, ignorant, and annoying usually for no reason.

The capital B is just to make it seem like being a bitch for the reason of being a bitch is cool.

NOTE: a girl PMSing or having a bad day is just that. Bitch with a capital B is a girl (maybe even a guy) who is just always sour unless you kiss his/her ass.

GUY: Your a bitch.
GIRL: Bitch with a capital B!

The girl on my bus is a self-declared Bitch with a capital B.

Me: being a bitch isn't cool. It's just stupid.
CapitalB: It ain't cool unless it's Bitch with a Capital B!

by iHATEtheCAPITALb December 23, 2008

4👍 2👎