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cheap druk

a synonym for jeep truck , meaning the truck is cheap .

damn Kyle , that’s one cheap druk jeep truck !”

by chinesechickenfingers November 3, 2022

cheap rebound

Verb; when you go through a break-up and your ex partner gets with your friend/friends

bitty1: “Bro travarius got with kelly last night

bitty2: “we fr broke up 4 days ago that’s a cheap rebound having ass dude”

kelly: “ I was jus testin him tho 👀”

by 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 May 24, 2019

Cheap Mayo

The act of rubbing a penny on the tip of your penis until ejaculation.

She anit give me none, so I got some cheap mayo.

by BIG BIG BOY DA BIGGEST BOY!! January 13, 2024

Assfuck Cheap

Extremely cheap italian food like cheaper that Olive Garden amirite?

Dude ravioli is assfuck cheap. not like at the big O.G. amirite?

by Chuncky maonko34 June 15, 2007

cheap steak

When you’re blonde and trying to say “cheapskate

My boss is a cheap steak and wouldn’t let them trade a starburst hotdog for a real one.

by Louise77 June 19, 2022

cheap AF

They are cheap as fuck. They only charge their cell phone batteries when they are here at work.

Your friend was cheap AF when they refused to get a drink because they cost too much.

by Donaldoburger November 27, 2022

Buy cheap, buy twice

When you see two identical products in the shop, one is expensive but made by a well known company and the other is by a brand you've never heard of but is considerably cheaper!

It comes from the fact that most cheap knocks are of poor quality and as a result it'll probably break shortly after buying meaning you'll have to buy another one. Usually when you add the price for the first and the replacement item together, it would've been cheaper to buy the better branded item in the first place.

Steve: Oh my god dude, I bought a new TV three months ago and it's already broken!

Peter: Bugger, that sucks, I'm surprised that Sony TV broke so quickly.

Steve: No, I changed my mind and didn't get the Sony. I found this Gujarati Electronics one which was a lot cheaper so I got that instead!

Peter: Gujarati Electronics? Never heard of them! You know what they say mate, buy cheap, buy twice! Shoulda stuck with the Sony!

by IKnowTheLingo January 3, 2023