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space dookie

when an astronaut takes a crap in his space suit with no gravity so it floats around in his suite

man 1: I really need to take a crap but i'm stuck in this suite

man 2: It's ok just take a space dookie

man 1: but then it will be floating in my suite

man 3: It's all good i just made a space dookie you will be fine

by HumanCockBlock December 26, 2013

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ookie dookie

A variation on the popular game ookie cookie.

A bunch of guys stand in a circle with a dookie in the middle. and then they all have to ejaculate onto the dookie and the last guy to cum has to eat it. Hence the "ookie".

Gabe, Josh, and Jackson came over, and we engaged in a spirited round of ookie dookie.

by urbandickchinairy June 17, 2019

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Spooky Dooky

When you wake up in the middle of the night and you have to take a shit.

Yesterday I had to take a fat Spooky Dooky. I haven't felt the same since.

by Get away dad! February 27, 2019

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Spooky dookie

The sex move when you pull out and poop on the girl during spooky season

Man I got her with the spooky dookie last night it was sick

by Ajx20 October 11, 2020

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dookie blast

1. When you got to shit so bad, you hit the side of the bowl with the tip and make a brown crayon swirl.2. when you spray shit into your shorts instead of gas.

Lone Ranger:"aw man, that was not a fart kimosabee..dat was a dookie blast..oh well, better go get another saddle for silver..solly bout that old chum!"
Tonto: " good thing You no ridem Bareback!"
Silver: "goddamn straight!"

by Crazy68 August 29, 2010

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The act of engaging in anal intercourse, then pulling out and putting your dookie covered penis in your partners mouth.

Valerie was a dirty whore...so I knew she wouldn't mind me giving her a dookie-pop.

by Badger66 September 21, 2005

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blast a dookie

Much like explosive diahrea. It comes out very fast, but it is usually very large.

Brennen was in the bathroom for like 30 seconds blasing a dookie, but it reaked like a 400 lb gorrila of a man was in there for an hour.

by RevStan January 9, 2004

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