A word used to describe people who use the 725 shotgun from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019).
Damn, did you see that guy get a double kill with a 725? He’s really skilled!
Rubbing your skills in someones face
John got skilled on when Ethan did a cool trick.
Rami helped setup my computer. What a geek he is. That is definitely a son skill.
A title given to a gamer with a huge potential to become the best at the game that he plays
Ofek is called Ofekskill because one day he will probably become the best Minecraft player
Everybody has different skills and different weaknesses, so saying one person's skill is superor to another is wrong, even if it's a more difficult skill or one that took more time and work.
Sports and games aren't enjoyable when one person's skills are called superior to another, and really a judge disregards the efforts of both athletes by doing that (including the one that got the gold medal). Hopefully no athlete is in it to be better than others. Your skills take you where they take you, and that's it.
james bond has the max skill i can't even explain bro...
Dude 1: "Have you seen the new James Bond film? He has such skill!"
Dude 2: "I don't really like James Bond I think he's too over-rated."
Dude 3: "Dude's, use electric bolt on Dude 2!"