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Ubering your words

When someone is inebriated and slurring their words such that they need to take an Uber ornother ride sharing service.

Man, are you drunk? You are ubering your words.

by Dsmoothe2716 June 2, 2018

wet with words

when a dude can text a girl the right words that turn her on.

Chris : dude check this out i got this girl totally into me.She wants to come over tonight to fuck me.
Dude: dude isn't she Tylor's ex girl?
Chris : ya but that never stopped me.
Dude:your to good at getting them wet with words
Chris :I know

by PizzaManDude October 3, 2014


The name you call a goober, dofus, or dingi eater. The term is also used to refer to aliens, but we don't talk about that.

"your eating mayo you Fag-Word"

by Magicalpussyeater69000 September 23, 2020

word on my cheese

It a way of saying really, actually and on god. If you don’t say it your a bata male who pulls no bitches and has a cook 2 inches or less.

Timmy : I got a girlfriend.
SuperChad : Word on my cheese?!

by WordOnMyCheese June 13, 2022

pretty word

Somewhere between good and bad. Used to describe people situations that are "solid," "ok" or "alright."

Hey what did you think of that party last night?

I had mixed feelings, but overall I thought it was adequate, and perhaps even above average.

Yeah, it was pretty word.

by deezdukes September 11, 2013

Dick word

An uncommonly used or alternatively spelled correct word answer on popular online quiz game Wordle.

What a dick word.

Today’s Wordle is an absolute dick word.

by Camelliahedge April 30, 2022

i was to lazy to put an actual word here

when you to ka mak to make a proper word on urban dictionary

i was to lazy to put an actual word here

by Ilbeity December 11, 2023